style:Human with some flame/fire based apperances
eyes:Simply angry/enraged ones (u can make the pupils tiny fires if u want)
colors:supernova, demon and skin color (hair for demon and supernova for fire apperances and skincolor for the skin)

i hope this gives u a challenge >=D
Last edited by RafaThePro; Mar 16, 2009 at 12:18 AM.
Proud Member Of Prototype. Doing my best to make it the...Wait it already is. :]
style: lightningish
eyes/visor: find some way to make the lightning bolts into recognizable eyes
colors: lightning storm blue/lightning white

I'm planning on using this on a set i'm gonna sell, but i don't have a good head. Is that ok?
And is saying that against the rules?
Anyway, please see if you can get this to work. Thanks!
Style: Knight
Visor/Eyes: Visor, basically the traditional knight visor with slits
Colour(s): An aged black, not just pure black

Thanks alot
style: robotic
visor/eyes: black
colours: grey/black or dark blue

Last edited by Hagan; Mar 16, 2009 at 07:32 AM.
Style: Robotic
Visor/Eyes: Evil-ish Eyes... maybe almost visor like...
Colors: Pure/Qs, Vamp

Thanks! Gl with your experiment
Katana League
The Aikido Team
Originally Posted by Hykimachi View Post
Style: Human - Emo
Visor/Eyes: Evil
Colors: Pure head , ecto hair , vampire eyes

this don't say that you want Visor or eyes, but i'm assuming eyes since it's a human head.

edit: Marshall's head is finished, this is just a quick one since i already had the ideas in my head on what to do for it.

I think the back is real good :P

Pm me for the flat image once you see this Marshall

Also if anyone is wondering why Marshall's was first, The robotic head are my #1 priority since thats what i mainly want to get better at.
Last edited by Malvado; Mar 16, 2009 at 06:56 PM.
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.