Endurance Onslaught 6.0
What boggles my mind about this whole situation is that there isn't any real guaranteed fix. I know it is way more complex than I may make it out to be, but if all the governments of the world are in danger here, why cant everyone just get together and say "O.k., instead of all starving and losing everything, how about we just start over." or something to that effect.

Again, I know that is simplistic as hell, but Christ, we're currently planning on spending 17 billion just to get things stable again.

and yeah, his whole thing tends to make me pretty ashamed of my country. Even though 99% of us had no clue what was really going on.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
I think, in short, people made a bunch of bad deals and everyone lost money in effect. The "printed" money is like a giant gov loan with a few restrictions, given so that people can go back to making good deals and get things running again.
Deady, I personally think you are eight about that, it would make things a lot simpler, and I personally think that on a financial level, all nations would benefit from a "reset" of sorts. But, it won't happen, at least not in our lifetimes, the governments of the world see their economies as too different, or better, or something, to even attempt it. There is also that they think that all buisness would collapse, which it wouldn't necisserily have to, and that is a big deterrent as well. As for the economy where I'm at, in the US, I already started to study how and what kind of food was made during the depression, and begining a stockpile isn't a bad idea either...
Obama and all the other idiots in congress dont get it. They just have to keep making "investments" which is really spending money. Soon were going to be like Japan 1000 yen isnt alot over there. With him spending all this money im going to be paying it my kids are going to be paying it and maybe THEIR kids are going to be paying it..... The dollar bill is going to be worthless soon and it will become "find a penny its your lucky day" to "find 10 dollars and its your lucky day" thats how bad its getting.

Yourface, could you link to an article about this? I tried to find something on it, but I couldn't. I ask because "printing" 13 trillion is different from spending 13 trillion (either way its pretty bad, but one is worse).

I found some stuff about printing 1 trillion, which is still a HUGE number. But I think we need a source on this before everyone flips out. Don't get me wrong, things are very bad, but there may still some answer to it all.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
13 trillion ? that's .. about 4x the cost of the 2nd Gulf war.

either the source is inaccurate, or we're in for a bigger fall than we thought.
Just a few years ago all of the money in the U.S. spread out evenly among EVERY person was about $54,000 now that number is about $84,000... inflation!
if u wanna hear something funny, even the porn industry is in troubles; Larry Flint, editor of Girls gone wild videos ask for $5 000 000 000 dlrs to the congress to help, cause he said that the porn industry is passing hard days
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Originally Posted by deady View Post
Yourface, could you link to an article about this?

also, jakob, that is funny. The people needs their pr0ns!!!! >.> Just so you know though, Larry flint is the man behind Hustler, the guy who did GGW was someone else and he got sued for having someone 17 in his vids.
<,< not that I would know ANYTHING about pr0ns...just news.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.