Major...Do you happen to be FighterKKV? Are you another account of his?

Also, your telling me by saying "Nothing" to the "Anything else you want to add" Part implies that you only want a visor.
Originally Posted by Cinamintz View Post
Major...Do you happen to be FighterKKV? Are you another account of his?

Also, your telling me by saying "Nothing" to the "Anything else you want to add" Part implies that you only want a visor.

Yep, im Fighterkhv. Just my account was accidentally deleted by russian hax0r
Typical Russian / Brony since 2011 / FighterKHV's alt
Smoke ²¸D everyday!
Bummer dude, bad to hear that....

Ryan, I finished your head. I'll make you a screeny if you want, otherwise you can /LP meh
I want a chicken sandwhich and some waffle fries, fo free!

On a side note, I would like to restate my request with a few modifications (if its not too late)

Primary Color: Pure
Seconday Color: Vampire
Visor or Eyes?: half and half O.o (mebe I'll challenge you a bit for your practice)
Anything else you want to add. It should be a minimal design, but the features should be accented. Somewhat tech-themed, but not robotic per se... nothing too thin, like wires. nice and big. be creative. thats what practice is about ^^

Also, will we be allowed to ask for a redo if we offer suggestions? and if not (or even if so) can we request the .psd for future modifications?
Katana League
The Aikido Team
Primary Color:demon
Seconday Color:imperial
Visor or Eyes?:visor over eyes if i can.
Anything else you want to add
can i have a break in the visor over the left eye maybe ?

and if its to much then just tell me ive been looking for a really good head like this for a while.
Play your way to become a better gamer.
Mixed Martial Arts Fight to the fullest.
Primary color: black
Secondary: Pure: silver
Eyes or visor: half half
can u make it look like a robot or the terminator?
Prmiary color: Quicksilver
Secondary Color: Neptune Void[if its needed]
Visor: Metal eye scarf.
Extra Details: QS background, Metal scarf in place of eyes [you can use this one ] And light neptune details [less than qs but not to little of shiny blue things ]
Last edited by BakuMiszcz; Mar 23, 2009 at 10:20 AM.
Funny way to die :)