I am amazed. THAT WAS SICK

i also think the last bit is the coolest, were he runs at the uke and punched it
Very nice work Warcry! No wonder it took so long making it.

Im very impressed. I think the music fits pretty well to this vid.

9/10 Defenetly one of the better vids I've seen.
I eez tiggeh. I rukx ;U
Good camera work, crappy song, too long, though, it didn't get boring enough for me to switch it off.

collect snots from the nose
Originally Posted by FNugget View Post
The thing about blank screen with a name transitions is that theres nothing to watch but a wavy name.

That's the point. You're meant to see who's doing the replays. Otherwise only the clan members would know who they were.

The names are separate from the replays so you can focus on both equally.
I'll also add that the text did have an effect, but for some reason it didn't come out in the render. It had rolling flames all over it. That may have satisfied your desire for shiny objects.

Originally Posted by Splinter View Post
i got bored and switched off after a while. It was ok but still pretty average. 6/10

Last time I ever try a crescendo with a vid. The intro is like 40 seconds long, if you're bored that easily, go to the doctor and get some ritalin. Don't say stuff like 6/10 if you haven't even watched the whole thing.

Mosier, the syncing isn't in your face. Rutz said it best when he said it was subtle. I take offense to being told it looked like I just slapped the song over the top of it when I finished it. I spent a great deal of time splitting the clips, slowing them down and speeding them up, in order to get the Dms to hit when the cymbals did.

Righto, the next vid, just for you guys, is gonna be fast, it's gonna have techno, it's gonna be FULL of transitions and effects, and it's gonna turn out feeling exactly the same as every other vid out there, with the exception of Moop and Rutz's.
Guess that's what I get for attempting something original.
Don't retaliate to critisizm. A bunch of people saying constructive negative things about you is better than everybody just saying "omg 10/10!!!1one!"

And originality is a good thing if it gets pulled off right. There were moments that were right like your camera angles which were amazing. But the song really doesn't have the beat or consistency to invoke interest continuosly. And the text being just there kinda ruins the progress of the video and almost feels like a rock bottom drop.

Replays were good, but too many good replays were hidden beneath a pile of bullshit (sorry for the severity of the description but I couldn't think of a better word). If you're going to give some people larger parts make sure their replays are either a) epic or b) spread out. Nothing makes me want to shut off a video more than a bunch of terrible replays in quick succession.

Also a subtle syncing is good only if it's noticable after at most half way through. Otherwise it's not obvious enough to make somebody recognize it and give you due credit for it. It took me a while to notice any good feel behind the syncing, by then though the song was progressing to a lull.

The song is ok but when the lyrical parts kicked in I almost turned it off right then and there. The music really reached a non-video quality when the lyrics started.

Overall I'd give it 6.5/10
It just didn't draw me in and want me to see the end.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
let's start goood parts

-music was goood mvahahah
-Camera work + recording feels/look good
-good replays (geast <3)

then little bit bad

-not so good replays
-players who name flashes in srcreen and he do only ONE replay o.o
-little bit too long cos of many players
but this is clan video and we want people on it :3

I rate 9/10

you don't get full points cos you could make it better in somepoints. And idea of clan video make it worser cos there have to be so so many many players.

still good job :3

as phail said too: video make me look good player xD
And the second largest penis in animal kindom