If you're clever, Linux users won't get viruses either.
Because there are so few written for linux
And you need to have root privilages to run something like a virus, and anyone who is smart enough won't use their root account like that
Now I'm not saying that there absolutely is a virus but if there is a chance of there being one well it's better to be safe than sorry.
Just to be safe, back up very important data on a hard drive then delete it on the original computer. This will make it nearly impossible for the virus to take it. Be sure to disconnect the backup drive from the computer after storing data. As a precaution turn off your computer for the night. I would recommend you keep it off for the whole next day but lets face it, we are addicted to technology. If you need to use the computer for any reason that doesn't require internet disconnect the internet cable.
Think about this people. If this virus was gonna do all this, wouldnt the ISP's just shut down and stop providing internet service for a day so this could be sorted out?
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Pretty sure the joke is to just get everyone off the net for an hour or so. torture.
lead Sigma
Originally Posted by Gumfighter View Post
its comments like these that make me wanna make a mac virus.

The reason mac's dont get viruses is because most businesses use windows.

You are wrong.

So wrong, that I'm not going to bother explaining what a secure system architecture is to you.

Also, this virus is real, but it will mostly be affecting people in England and the UK.
Pope of BnW[Torigod]Lord of WibblesYouTubeToriblog AdminInterface Artist
(,,゚Д゚) -"Become a fan. DO IT."

Hyperboloids of wondrous Light
Rolling for aye through Space and Time
Harbour those Waves which somehow Might
Play out God's holy pantomime

Also, Gubbin is neat.

So, we can't tell if we have a virus in our system until midnight?

The way to tell if you got it is by going to an antivirus site. If you're blocked, you got it.

I checked right away, and I can go on there, but I don't get if it only becomes affective at midnight.
Fonzie be with you.
Originally Posted by DejaVu View Post
So, we can't tell if we have a virus in our system until midnight?

The way to tell if you got it is by going to an antivirus site. If you're blocked, you got it.

I checked right away, and I can go on there, but I don't get if it only becomes affective at midnight.

EH what you sayd is true,i can enter on anivirus sites,but anyways...i think that the virus is real too :/ or is this just a stupid joke...

I was like WTF when i started mine comp,the keyboard didn't work,trough it was just a cable problem...
Centuries Of Damn
This reminds me of the Dark Knight.

If you tell people that it's a deadly virus and not a joke, they will know what to do.

If you don't say anything and release it on April Fools day, people wouldn't know shit.
Fonzie be with you.