If you guys don't like Death Metal why post here?
IMO Techno is noize but I don't spam the Techno thread, because I don't know anything about techno. And I see you don't understand Death Metal or Black Metal so why bother?

IMO the greatness of Death Metal comes from the raw unfiltered "energy" it transmits to the listener. Bolt Thrower for example is like a rusty panzer with huge chainsaws tied to it's hull. It sure does not sound pretty but it will crush you. Over technical Death Metal sucks though, Death metal isn't about melodies or tehnique.
Every art wanker here can go listen to Death(band) and be impressed by the artistic quality of their songs or be a conservative fool and praise bands with easy melodies and catchy riffs.
Getting into Death Metal takes time.

Originally Posted by Drummer View Post

Don't tell me to listen to it, I have already and it all sounds the same regardless what any of you say.

Constant and annoying double bass. LISTEN MOAR
Annoying gutterals and screams. You are wrong
Where are the basslines? Listen Moar
The basslines are covered up by the random and annoying guitar riffs. Listen Moar

Lololol you don't know much about your favorite genre so how could you know anything of the genre you seem to hate so much. I don't know much about death metal but Im pretty sure I know more than you do.
Last edited by DaBandito; Apr 2, 2009 at 11:51 AM.
Originally Posted by hoho123 View Post

I Want To ManBreakfast Massage Me When He Massage I Will Pay

Well, I don't hate this, but I find it very difficult to get into. The whole culture associated with it is somewhat off-putting to disgusting as well. I find far it far more important for artists to convey emotions through their songs rather than exclusively raw energy, as the energy in non death-metal songs is also conveyed as a side effect of the emotion being expelled from the artist (This is the "goosebumps" feeling you get when you listen to a truly fantastic song. That's what I feel, anyway.
Originally Posted by DaBandito View Post
IMO the greatness of Death Metal comes from the raw unfiltered "energy" it transmits to the listener. Bolt Thrower for example is like a rusty panzer with huge chainsaws tied to it's hull. It sure does not sound pretty but it will crush you. Over technical Death Metal sucks though, Death metal isn't about melodies or tehnique.

You don't have to be an awful musician or have the singing voice of an ape being sodomised to put energy into your music. And you don't need to listen to grunting and waves of distortion to feel energised.


Some of my fav Death Metal:

And don't forget the Melodic Death Metal... A lot of people like Arch Enemy I like it too.

"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
Originally Posted by H4rl3quin View Post
You don't have to be an awful musician or have the singing voice of an ape being sodomised to put energy into your music. And you don't need to listen to grunting and waves of distortion to feel energised.



That's exactly my point. Muse knows how to do it!
Originally Posted by DaBandito View Post

Lololol you don't know much about your favorite genre so how could you know anything of the genre you seem to hate so much. I don't know much about death metal but Im pretty sure I know more than you do.

I'm wrong about my opinion that gutetrals and scremas are annoying, to me? Wow, you need to respect others opinions. If I was wrong, I WOULD LIKE SCREAMS AND GUTTERALS. IT'S MY OPINION. You need to stop acting like your opinion is greater over everyone elses.

By "where are the basslines?" I mean that it is hard to hear the basslines over the overpowering guitar.

Death Metal songs and the drum beats are mostly consisted of constant double bass following the guitar riff. I don't need to listen more.

I don't know much about my favorite genre? Are you seriously that dumb to actually say something like that? It makes no sense. You don't even know what my favorite genre is, so don't even say anything..actually, why are you even talking about that? I know a TON about my favorite genre. Am I trying to know a lot about death metal? NO. I'm just announcing its annoyances to me. I'm tired of you thinking that you know more music than me, and at the same time, you have no idea what you're talking about. Also, stop acting like you know so much more on music than everyone else.

^ Not angry, just frustrated with such ignorance directed at me by Bandito.

Death, by the way, happens to be the only Death Metal band I can stand listening to. Only because they don't go over the top with their vocals. You can also actually understand them! They also happen to be the only Death Metal band with artistic qualities IMO.
Last edited by Drummer; Apr 3, 2009 at 03:01 AM.
I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
Originally Posted by GenkiSudo View Post
Some of my fav Death Metal:

And don't forget the Melodic Death Metal... A lot of people like Arch Enemy I like it too.

HAHA i think that berzerker is techno-metal (also known as industrial)
but yeah HAVENT YOU GUYS HEARD OF MELODIC DEATH METAL?? it has a clear melody and it sounds very good!!!! (AND IM SLIPARI)((WHO MADE THIS THREAD))
oh and i LOVE BERZERKER!!!!!!!!!!AND CoB and CoF and Dying Fetus and Deicide and Muse <----(WTF?) and Cannibal Corpse and Six Feet Under and SlipKnoT AND ALL KINDS OF CRAP MWUAHAAHAHHAHA
and <------WTF dont blame me my mom listens it so much that i like it :P

and sorry for double post
Last edited by iaintnub; Apr 3, 2009 at 07:05 AM.
Originally Posted by iaintnub View Post
HAHA i think that berzerker is techno-metal (also known as industrial)
but yeah HAVENT YOU GUYS HEARD OF MELODIC DEATH METAL?? it has a clear melody and it sounds very good!!!! (AND IM SLIPARI)((WHO MADE THIS THREAD))

hehe Berzerker is indeed a blend of many different styles, but they still capture the essence of death metal in many of their songs..
And yes, Cannibal Corpse and Six Feet Under rocks.
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi