Aslask is right, there is a lot that doesn't make sense and it lacks the very basics.
A sky will almost never be black, normally a dark shade blue. To test this and other theorys about real colours, take a photo of them - then use the colour selector tool in the program you use. Take a look at the actual colours of things, it's quite interesting! The mountain in the background is not shaded, and I THINK I understand about the blue. If you desaturated it way more, it would look like it was misty. Though that would then be one big ass mountain.

Use reference photos as well. No matter how far out and unreal a picture is, the building blocks are still taken from real life. Fantasy and sci fi artists will almost always use reference photos to build crazy inventions of life and objects.

You should also add stars, as there would more then likely be heaps to be seen in your picture. The reason we don't seem much stars in towns and citys, is our own light blocks them out (I think anyway, I'm not too sure). But I do know that in forests and other not-very-populated areas, there is loads of stars to be seen.

The lava should also look a lot different, it has its own shading, and it glows - so it emits its own orange light.

Hope this helps!
aslask and corza334, that black thing is supposed to be clouds, the darkblue thing is the sky, that huge shitty white thing there is the lightsource, the yellow is supposed to be fire... but anyways I appreciate your comments. Now I know a little bit more about ART...
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I thought that blue mountain was the sky and that you are looking out from a dark cave, which is the only scenario in which the lighting would make sense (besides the weird spikey white thing at the top), that is, the environment is so bright while the sky is black.
You really shouldn't make pictures where you actually have to explain what the things are. lol.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Did you read the sticky, "How To Be Creative" ?
Jalis: Freelancer, you're a duck | Sachi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Reanimator: Freelancer, you're a duck
satiknee: Freelancer, you're a duck | Wiggi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Tarlan: Freelancer, you're a duck