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A New Color is on the Horizon....
This time, we will not be the ones to decide what the new color is, it will be you.
The winning team in this year's Team's League will get to choose the newest color, and have it named after their team.
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Last edited by evets; Feb 15, 2010 at 09:54 PM.
I personally like the idea of a joint forger to make patterns and stuff on joints, to forge them, the cost would be based on color and pattern.
Yes but then everything in the forger would have to be expensive, since you could easily make demon and void with it..... and you know how expensive they are, and dont forget the Qi....

I really doubt a colour forger, since he also said a new colour is on the way, its going to be 1, not an infinite amount D:
Something about busses:D
If that's true, the minimum price to forge a patterned force or relax should be like 500k.

Also, I will show you guys what gold force would look like if it was more saturated such as Supernova, Radioactive, and Toxic.
Originally Posted by CazRules View Post
I really doubt a colour forger, since he also said a new colour is on the way, its going to be 1, not an infinite amount D:

I know, it certainly wouldn't come out this time around, just saying it for the future possibly ;)
Would it be yellow? (I can't see a pic if you have put one)

EDIT: double ninja'd

cyclone, if that ever comes out, every colours would have to be hella-expensive, since you could just steal all the colours that are already there, they would have to all be in the 100,000s .....

I think they only made a flame forger because you can change alo more settings than just colour...

but wouldnt it be awesome if you could get changing joint colours? (changes every time you change the hold/relax/contract/extend)

I know it willnever happen... but yeah
Last edited by CazRules; Feb 15, 2010 at 07:17 PM.
Something about busses:D