Using this thead


just found out that tomorrow I'm gonna follow my mates on vacation down south in Sweden
Like always, I'll check Skype every day and such, but expect little interaction
Nothing special, but I'll be gone until sunday.. Leaving Cowmeat and Trestet in charge of Clan League stuff

PM me with any and all questions
Hatt is still inactive due to school, internet is caveman status.

If you need something message me on Skype or here on TB.

I'm inactive in-game but I still check things when I can.

Try to keep boards alive and post and meme please, we're not dead so I don't want it to look like it.
Get those dope grades, make it into the upper class ;b best of luck man

quick update
The camping guys are having the internet guys check what's wrong with the internet tomorrow.
Pray that this gets fixed within a week
PM me with any and all questions
As some of you may have noticed I've been making a comeback to toribash, during last week I have been few hours ingame almost everyday and I managed to get out of my cave and talk something to some fellow obey members on skype and had a few words in the chat room. I also almost finished a new sp parkour replay and got my marketing rolling again. I think I should also try to keep more active on Obey's threads than I used to do and thought I'd post first here about me being back to this game

I'm in middle of a test week tho, so don't expect to see me ingame more than just couple of hours a day till wednesday
Football season is in. Operation dive and get a penalty every single match begins now. I'll be on-ish on the weekends, but my weekdays are pretty much packed.
I think I owe an explanation
I was gone for a long fucking time sorry i'm kyuri
I had a breakdown and isolated myself for a long time but I really do miss the obey family so i'm gonna try and be more active.
If you'll let me
sorry for not letting anyone know