Your real name : My real name is Schylar
What is your belt : Brown Belt
How old are you : 16
Ingame activity(1-5) : 4-5
Forum activity(1-5) : 3-4
Why do you want to join this clan : I want to join this clan because I have been looking for a good clan to join that has respectful and mature members. I don't care how good people are, if they aren't good people, they aren't good players.
What mod you good at : My favorite and best mod is Aikido/abd, but I like judo and wushu as well.
What is your Special Talent : I am very disappointed in myself to say that I wouldn't consider myself having a "special talent". But I am pretty good at toribash and I am a pretty cool person to play with and talk to. So maybe my special talent is my personality.
Why we must accept you : I think you should accept me because I am a very responsible and mature person and can bring some fun to The Shield. I am willing to do almost anything a leader or member asked me to do, and would be glad to help out in any way. Whether I get accepted or not, if you need anything I'd be glad to help!
Originally Posted by tythetoon View Post
Your real name : Tyrone
What is your belt : Black (I quit back in early 2012, came back not to long ago)
How old are you : 13
Ingame activity(1-5) : 3-4
Forum activity(1-5) : 4-5
Why do you want to join this clan : Because I have one old friend in this clan, you know who you are ;) and I have been looking for a decent clan to join.
What mod you good at : Akido, Takkeyon and some parkour maps.
What is your Special Talent : Getting quick DM's/Disqualifications in Akido.
Why we must accept you : Because I feel as if I would be able to help you majorly in most clan wars and I also am a good guy to ask questions on the forums/ingame and I may be able to help other clan members with getting better at the game.

Proud Member Of [The Shield]
PR4NK | Gazorite | Zeann | spcr | JPointman11 | tythetoon
Lol sorry for all, I was a little busy and I dont remember the recruitment thread ,Sorry for all.

Guys Feel Free To Post An App

Professional Graphic Designer
Former [Crooks]
Leader | [TA] Member | Ex-[Latin] member
[Mexican] Player |Fan Club
Originally Posted by Xcecution View Post
Real Name: Billi
Belt: Black
How Old: 13
In game: 3-4
In Forum: 2-4

Reason to join: You said you need aikido skill probably? Yes... I am suck at english, but I want to make this clan better and better day by day... and I love the name, it sounds like we're the ace.
Favourite Mod: Aikido, Classic.
Special talent: Making the madman replay and realistic, probably you're gonna need the proof right?
Why You Must Accept Me: I was the co-leader in my old clan and of course I am also be the Ace of the clan (I tell the truth)
+ Story: I wasn't play toribash for 6 months coz my laptop was broken... So I lose all of my replay and make the new one, and the luck is, I upload some of my replay in website, so I can download some of my old replays Lol

++I give you the proof for my replay, how to see : go to toribash folder -> replay -> paste the replay then launch the toribash and see my replay.
Upss... sorry I do the mistake, I am gonna re upload my replays
Ah... I am forgot too... I also can make the tori picture like my picture, it's my tori and also here

For The replay you should download the bottom (from somewhere in brooklyn number 2)
tidak ada yang menjawab formulir saya? = Nobody repost my app?

Umm sir, sorry for wrong app, I mean
Ingame: 1-3
Forum: 3-5

-Have a good day
Proud Member Of [The Shield]
PR4NK | Gazorite | Zeann | spcr | JPointman11 | tythetoon
Your real name : Luan
What is your Belt: Black belt
How old are you: 18
Ingame activity (1-5): 3 - 4
Forum activity (1-5): 4 - 5
Why do you want to join this clan: Because I want to be part of a great clan, which eventually becomes official.
What mod you good at: Wushu, Katana, Akido, Twiswords.
What is your Special Talent: Variation of kicks in wushu, disqualifications in Akido.
Why we must accept you: Because I have experience in another clan, it helps a lot to be active in the forum, and I am a good player can help in clan wars. I'm also willing to represent the clan logo on my seth.
Lord of Lords
Originally Posted by LordLuan View Post
Your real name : Luan
What is your Belt: Black belt
How old are you: 18
Ingame activity (1-5): 3 - 4
Forum activity (1-5): 4 - 5
Why do you want to join this clan: Because I want to be part of a great clan, which eventually becomes official.
What mod you good at: Wushu, Katana, Akido, Twiswords.
What is your Special Talent: Variation of kicks in wushu, disqualifications in Akido.
Why we must accept you: Because I have experience in another clan, it helps a lot to be active in the forum, and I am a good player can help in clan wars. I'm also willing to represent the clan logo on my seth.

i like your app so its yes from me ;)
Originally Posted by emilss1004 View Post
i like your app so its yes from me ;)

-_- Y U NO invite him