My name is Christopher, I`m 13 years old. I`m a Blue Belt but almost a Brown Belt. I dont not have an alt. I want to join your clan because I have never been in a clan before and I want to experience what its like. My favorite mods would be Akido and Graykido
IGN: Orbitalz
Age: 13
Belt: Blue almost Brown (I forgot pass for main so new main, main was black belt).
Best Mods: Greykido, abd, Boxshu mushu

I would like to join because every one in FC seems friendly and has good skill. I believe that I would fit in in FC because I'm both friendly and skilled.
Also don't worry about me not being active because I'm on most of the time although I will be going on holiday for 1 week so I wont be on but that's like a month away.
Free-forming this application.

Good evening to you all, call me Valterain, if you would please. Now, I'll share a little bit about myself on Toribash, and then We'll go from there. I play Taekyyon, and Taekyonn only, since it is my absolute favorite mod to play, and I'm actually pretty decent at it. I'm going to add my player card below, because that seems pretty necessary.

Player Card

Now, I'm continuing on to some personal things about myself. Some people see me as a hostile type, I can honestly see why. But, if you remain nice towards me, I'll be nice towards you, simple as that. But, continuing off that topic, I'll list some of my musical preferences: Datsik, Dirtyphonics, Nero, The Glitch Mob, and F.O.O.L
I also want to point out that I'm not going to give you my full name or age, unless it is absolutely necessary, and I do have a reason for it.

Now, you may be asking yourself about my activity on Toribash, well, I'll say this, I do go on the forums every day, but I only used the forums recently, which is why I don't have a lot of posts. In game wise, I play Toribash every day, for at least 3 hours, if I am free to do so, which I usually am, so, yeah huh. Done with this topic, moving on.

I guess that wraps things up, if you really want to know more about me, just, ask, if it's nothing to personal, I'll tell you.

Oh, also forgot to add the reason as to why I want to join. Fight Club seems like a clan that remains serious with what they're doing, but can actually have good times. While, most clans I've seen do not do as much, which deters me, in some ways.
Last edited by Valterain1; Jul 31, 2014 at 10:06 PM.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Finally a kinda good app, the playerd card wasnt so necesary but ok. You should try to play another mods like abd, normal akido, rk-mma, leshu or greydo. Accepted.
hey my name is mike and i wanted to join your clan i have a brown belt on my old account and i had to get a new one so i can apply for the clan my username is mikedog26 and i am a orange belt and my rank is 100,456 and plz let me know if i can join find me and let me know and i am 16 years young
We want black belts or higher, or lower but with skills, also forum activity is what we want especially. And you could try to make an app not only 1 sentence with no sense.