Originally Posted by gamerbad View Post
Im waiting the most ;)

No im waiting teh most stfu
I am a prime tori. Why don't i have toriprime?
"unable to create new room, please try again" message drives me crazy.
I cant create bot room -> I cant test bot functions -> I cant continue coding
Last edited by iLLepidus; Mar 26, 2009 at 08:14 PM.
Originally Posted by iLLepidus View Post
"unable to create new room, please try again" message drives me crazy.
I cant create bot room -> I cant test bot functions -> I'm mad.

I can tet it for you if you want :P
Last edited by Gamerbad; Mar 26, 2009 at 08:20 PM.
Helge Sverre - System Developer
The problem is that toribash can keep only 100 servers online simulatanosly.
Then there are 100 servers online u cant create new room.
P.S.: I have already figured out the solution: to run another bot build during coding, that keeps server for the bot and auto-ops him.
Originally Posted by iLLepidus View Post
The problem is that toribash can keep only 100 servers online simulatanosly.
Then there are 100 servers online u cant create new room.
P.S.: I have already figured out the solution: to run another bot build during coding, that keeps server for the bot and auto-ops him.

Ok :P Learned something new today
Helge Sverre - System Developer
btw, you can always ask me if you need help
pm me with your questions if there is any


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