Original Post
A New Color is on the Horizon....
This time, we will not be the ones to decide what the new color is, it will be you.
The winning team in this year's Team's League will get to choose the newest color, and have it named after their team.
Sign ups start now.
Last edited by evets; Feb 15, 2010 at 09:54 PM.
K, here's what it'd look like. Doesn't make much of a difference, but I tried it with some other colors and it looked pretty dope.

Theres an idea. Like a forging system for colors :D
You know how you can forge flames?
Why not colors :O?

EDIT: Yeah i know this wont happen. But would be cool none the less.
Last edited by Boonana; Feb 15, 2010 at 07:39 PM.
i doubt its going to happen, but if the color has anything to do with those stupid cucumbers i may have to shoot myself >_<

Originally Posted by deridor View Post
i doubt its going to happen, but if the color has anything to do with those stupid cucumbers i may have to shoot myself >_<

Load your gun please.