Originally Posted by Hush View Post

Reigning champ of the worst deals so far

Are you kidding? Impossible to See W Xerath, Squidgirl Lulu, and Snowbro Malz? Fucking great deals right there.

4 out of your 6 deals are ability color changing skins, that's fucking great.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Hey guys, will probably start being more active here. I have a lot of PM's containing usernames I haven't added yet, so I will sort through all of those and add the appropriate names when I revamp the entire first post in the coming days.

I recently had to purchase $20 RP to pick up some sale skins, I got challenger ahri for the 50% off sale, mecha malphite 50% off, and then I got nutcracko for 260 rp and academy darius for 260 rp as well (70% off) overall happy with the skins. Would have liked to get some of the new snow day skins but the Syndra one is the only one that really stands out for me.

I may have been drunk one night and changed my name to 2004 Honda Civic.. the regrets. Just have so much IP that I literally have nothing to spend it on, and have a set of every rune possible. Almost at 13k for another name change.

Seeing all this talk about Yasuo...

I never really play serious ranked, just five mans with real life friends and some people I've met on the game. Out of everyone here, I'd say Chris plays with my group the most, would be interesting if anyone else on NA servers ever wanted to play.

Probably the only champ I've exclusively mained recently and I feel myself becoming more and more cancerous every day. Pretty much always stat rush into early vamp scepter and IE as soon as possible, and by the time I have a bloodthirster I can buy one more vamp scepter with static/IE and be able to solo baron. Like I said, I don't play ranked that often but I've been able to lane up against high diamond 1-2's as some of my friends we play with are in high diamond and plat and our normal MMR is pretty high, unfortunately this season I didn't try to push gold for the skin rewards.

Yasuo is not that good high tier, but man I love playing him. I've had five people message me and flame in all chat spamming to 1v1 because of how cancerous my Yasuo plays are. To me, there is no champion that matches up to his play style for what I want. He's an amazing dueler, and his outplay potential once you get the right items (and it's so easy to farm) is through the roof. I often times get cocky and make really stupid plays, but as soon as I hit zeal I go all out and try to counter jungle/farm/gank/go all in for every single kill possible to snowball as hard as I can. I've literally had games where I've went 0-4 lane phase because of intense jungle pressure, but I'm able to keep up my farm and hit stat shiv and when my team thinks there's no way possible to win, I slowly scale up and up and end up going something in the 6++ kdr range (25/4). There is nothing like making the perfect play on Yasuo, and I have so many fun memories of playing this champ that it seems almost boring to play others except a select few.

My favourites are when you're only going 5-3 so people think they can 2v1 you/3v1 you, but you have 170 farm with vamp scepter, static and infinity edge. If you hit the right initiation on the tornado, and be mindful of who you're facing and what their abilities can do, it's so easy to 3-4 auto attack q/e chunk them all, usually in an aoe if you hit the right E>Q.

Anyways, just wanted to make a post seeing as I started this thread years ago and I still check on it almost every day and am amazed at how much attention and dedicated players there are posting. I believe this is the biggest if not one of the bigger threads on the forums right now, although I could be completely wrong as I only browse gaming chat.

I think I posted this here before, but how is your guys skin collection going? I know there are some big spenders on here.. unfortunately myself being one of them. RIP my childhood, I am 19 now and have had my own (fuck me league name) car and stable job for about three years now, but man I wish I had the money back sometimes. All in all, I've played since very early alpha and still to this day can sit down and enjoy a game of league with some friends on Skype and am an active part of the League community and love watching what Riot unveils for us every big update.

Drop this here if anyone is interested, you can use the Elophant client to record all your skins. Hope to see some of you soon, feel free to add me on NA!
Last edited by Lume; Dec 18, 2015 at 06:51 AM.
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
I think I posted this here before, but how is your guys skin collection going? I know there are some big spenders on here.. unfortunately myself being one of them. RIP my childhood, I am 19 now and have had my own (fuck me league name) car and stable job for about three years now, but man I wish I had the money back sometimes. All in all, I've played since very early alpha and still to this day can sit down and enjoy a game of league with some friends on Skype and am an active part of the League community and love watching what Riot unveils for us every big update.

Drop this here if anyone is interested, you can use the Elophant client to record all your skins. Hope to see some of you soon, feel free to add me on NA!
Ay Lmao

I always bought skins on sales.
Last edited by Chris; Dec 18, 2015 at 09:13 AM.
In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
I have 5... Halp

Sent from my ALCATEL ONETOUCH P310A using Tapatalk

Meh, I don't really care since I can't buy em.
Last edited by SparChar; Dec 18, 2015 at 11:07 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Riot have plans to creates new assassin item called "Assassin Dagger": Click me

  • Recipe: Serrated Dirk + B.F. Sword + ? gold (over 3000 gold total, still fine tuning)
  • +75 Attack Damage
  • +5% Movement Speed
  • UNIQUE Passive: +10 Armor Penetration
  • UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks on an enemy champion apply Nightfall (60 second cooldown).

  • Nightfall: After 2 seconds, deal 25% of the target’s missing health as physical damage. If the target dies before Nightfall ends, the cooldown is refunded.

*If it's a problem on ADCs, it'll be Melee Only.
In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
My god, that's gonna hurt with Zed's Death Mark since it procs it.

Main has it even better

25 RP tho. Can't even buy a 156 RP skin xD
Last edited by SparChar; Dec 19, 2015 at 08:36 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays