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[Free Shop]Rebirth Graphics


Request Form

Item: {Banner, Headtexture, Sig...}
Details {Robotic, Simplistic, Realistic...}
Colors: {Green, Void, Sapphire...}
Extras: {Words, 3D, Size...}
I will do sets but only 1 at a time.

Credits to JinxZ for the request form.
Flamespike is a artist in this shop

Join #RebirthGFX on irc for live request and chat.

darkshadow8- Head Text, Skeleton with sun glasses, Void and red, grayscale, Glowing scratch on left eye.
up2u-Head Texture, Robo, Demon Elf, Name on the back.
carloz01-Head & Avatar, Robo, Gray Scale Imperial, name in the avatar.
optic-Head Text, marine put void vlue white and black.
torismaser-Set, unique colors.
XPaD- Head Text, Robo, Supernova and Quicksilver. Be epic.
Edsonmilan-Head, Normal person hair and headphones not emo. Headphones: silver black, eyes: red and white,hair: red, Glasses: Black transparent.
dragoblade-set, Mrama style cartoon, void $ hunter, 512x512
davidbash-Head text, robo, Toxic&void&pure, 3d effect.
PsyTrance- Head Text, Anime ninja head, Pure & Azurite, 256x256.
AkumaBeast-Logo, robo&simple, grayscale&reds, a logo that says Drones flame shop must have a flame on it.
Barreta-set, cartoony with a bit of shading, face on r_hand and palm on l_hand
Yoyo16-Set, tribal freestyle, black&white&red.
ziknon-Head Text, realistic robo head, Sapphire head& Supernove details. Breathing tubes and shiny lights(supernova)
calebgamb-Head Text, Radioactive emo head with shinx outline, yellow and green details. 256x256
Pacman- Full GUI, Freestyle it broskie.
KozEnko-Banner, 3d, Void&Vampite, Ass kickers(In toxic)
MoBo1997-Set, Tribal, acid and radioactive.
rickyz-Full gui, freestyle it broskie.
Armageadon-Head 512x512, Left Thigh, Right Thigh, Left Shin, Right Shin, Left Foot and Right Foot textures. Quicksilver and Mysterio
James555- Head Text, Punky style, Purple hair with black headphones and radioactive glasses. 128x1288.
Vidmo- Make a set to match this head
Exceeder- Sig/Avvi, 3D, vampire.
Orfeas- Make a set like my cartoony one, marine colour, void. With an avatar.
Kooky: Head Texture, Robo, Red&Void&Pharos, 512x512
Huck-Top Seekrit, Not to be discussed in public.
Last edited by Nero; Apr 18, 2010 at 04:31 PM.