I'd like a head that could fit my guy's colors. Green/Blue and Sphinx. Mostly Green and Blue tho. If it it's cool at the end, Im willing to pay up to 2k for it.
Ill do some of the avy/sig requests against your will, grayve.
If they like it, your welcome.
Er, last time i saw there was "no set" in it,
and can you ATLEAST, see what i posted in the end? i said, DONT DO IT NOW, KEEP WITH YOUR REQUESTS, I DONT FEEL LIKE WRITING IT AGAIN -.-
Yes, sorry for the caos, but so you dont do more sets,

I will be back later
Lucy dismembered more than you and YOU agree or you will get pwnzed
gravyxp u can close this thread until u dont take more requests and open it again when u want to make free heads etc. again
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