Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Looks like you lost the game in champ select though. Lb probably went to town on kog.

ps would you be down to do vod reviews?
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

3rd time's a charm, eh
almost lost it thanks to graves, I managed to keep him at 0/3 during lane phase instead of 0/10 (Diving turrets at level 2, focusing sup, name all the terrible things adc can do - he's done it), thankfully we had better late and yasuo.
Everyone is bad except me, and you can't carry a tilted Chinese botlane.


I had two 5 man ults. I did more damage than our adc and jungler COMBINED.
Preposterously dank.
I think ekko is terrible for carrying. Melee + AP + Carry don't really mesh well. You're guaranteed to take damage and it's a lot harder to control anything being melee.
You're right about the "taking lots of damage" part, but when it comes to champions I have experience with he's second only to Vlad, and I don't trust my team enough to get themselves to a point in the game where I become useful with him.

But yeah the thing that cost us that game was the Yi diving me as soon as I dove their carries. Need more ranged AP mids.
Preposterously dank.
Been playing orianna mid lately, I like the utility she has, gotta work on my mid game because right now it consists of malza, brand, a bit of ahri and nothing else.
Originally Posted by Powas View Post
Been playing orianna mid lately, I like the utility she has, gotta work on my mid game because right now it consists of malza, brand, a bit of ahri and nothing else.

You should try picking up cassiopeia

Orianna is quite team dependent, while Cass is really good in most situations. Both their ults can also completely change a teamfight

She's a good pick to carry with while you're in silver. Since you already play a bunch of ranged mages I'm sure you'll like her.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
I like Anivia-without bias-for not relying on my team actually. If you have good positioning you can stall the game by yourself with your ult. And you can easily, EASILY, catch out bad players with w late game. Honestly one of the best champions for turning games around single handedly. I've been in a game where we were down 30+ kills and probably 15k~ gold where I stalled their push with my waveclear, and then after 45 ish minutes I caught out their adc/support/mid with my wall and we pushed to win. It's doable every game below gold~ because people don't really know how to close out games.(assuming they dont have ridiculous dive, but even then if you have zhonyas you can possibly outplay with zhonya bait + wall to catch them out of position).
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
Anivia mid-late game is disgusting against squishy mid laners. Fuck that shit.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Anivia's full combo can pretty much 1 shot any adc by 3 items unless that adc's name is ezreal or graves.
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥