Originally Posted by ConCon19 View Post
I play as ConCon19 on Eu west

I will add you tomorrow, I kind of need to finish Fairy Tail as soon as possible. I'm trying to add as many people from Toribash that play League of Legends. So far I have EJM and Kat, I haven't really spoke to them that much which means I need to socialize some more.

Originally Posted by Powas View Post
Qualified for series to silver IV. So far so good. Gotta climb up.

Nice, it's easier to climb this season since you get the roles that you want in dynamic queue. I ended up in bronze 3 and it's taken me a month to get in silver III, hopefully you don't get demoted.

Originally Posted by Gunkman04 View Post
The question, should I play ranked, or should I just chill with my friends.
Maining adc is a lot easier when you're premade with your supp

You can play with all your friend in dynamic queue. If they don't play seriously only play with 1. I played with 4 of my friends and they just troll even if were winning then it costs us the match. Just play with one and you'll be fine.
I play ranked so I can see how good I am. Most people say being in a high rank doesn't show how good or bad, which is a lie... I just play ranked to show my friends how good I am.
I also main ADC but I don't duo with many supports so I play with who I get in dynamic queue. I suggest you play with a friend because you have better communication, but I also suggest you play solo just so you know how to cope without communication.
Originally Posted by Lane View Post
I swear I've made like 5 posts about this.

They're not actually silver 1. You're not actually gold 1. They're previous plats like you who happened to get placed lower but their MMR is still plat. Even though ranks were reset MMR remained

It's too early in the season for divisions and mmr to have equalized across all players since most people haven't played enough

I'm currently "Plat 5" despite every game having Diamond borders across both sides, and that's cause my rank reset but MMR remained Diamond 5 and I haven't played enough to reach the division that mirrors my MMR, hence the +30lp wins and -14lp losses

Here to toss the word that Lane was never dia mmr don't believe the lies. If he had dia mmr he'd get like 35 lp per win and wouldn't have JUST got plat

Could be dynamic queue too, though
Last edited by TyZi; Feb 17, 2016 at 11:20 PM.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

it's a combination of dynamic queue gainz being awful and D5 being a lot lower than you think

Toward the end of preseason I was getting +25 in plat 1 with -18 losses and would've gotten diamond had it not reset

Also I just only got plat cause my overall level as a player hardcore decreased with the rengar nerfs and I don't play as much cause social life

played 1 game with sparchar and did some fun stuff
pretend i dont suck at the end
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Definitely. You sir are not the douchebag I imagined at all. I think Toon was meaner by like 1000*

Also, I carried you gg. I increased bounty on Kalista.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
I want to main Vayne, she is a fun champion and one of the best in late game. But I have two problems, I don't know what to max first and I don't know how to build her.

First of all, skill build. At first I put three points into Q then max W, unless they have a squishy bot lane like Miss Fortune and Nami. But some people tell me to always max silver bolts.
Secondly the item build, my full build is Blade of the ruined King, Berserkers greeves, Static Shiv (or Phantom Dancer), Infinity Edge, Lord dominik and Scimiter (not in order). Is this the right build to go in a normal match and if I'm to get Bloodthirster which it do I skip?
Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
Here to toss the word that Lane was never dia mmr don't believe the lies. If he had dia mmr he'd get like 35 lp per win and wouldn't have JUST got plat

Could be dynamic queue too, though

I was getting +35lp a win from plat 5 to plat 3 and I didn't skip plat 4? Like, I'd lose ~11lp on losses and get 35 on wins. I had d4 players in my games starting at about gold 1. Yet still, 40 games later, only plat 3. 75+% winrate starting at gold 5 on my main account. My smurf account was a bit lower mostly because I was learning Rengar on it and I lost 4 games early on, but yeah

I'm not even gonna bother touching league again tbh. Brawlhalla is too fun, whereas I only play league for the relief of winning.
Last edited by Hyde; Feb 18, 2016 at 10:16 AM.
Originally Posted by 16bars View Post
So far I have EJM and Kat, I haven't really spoke to them that much which means I need to socialize some more.

Yes you do. I didn't give you space in my friends list for nothing you know.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by Lane View Post
it's a combination of dynamic queue gainz being awful and D5 being a lot lower than you think

Toward the end of preseason I was getting +25 in plat 1 with -18 losses and would've gotten diamond had it not reset

Also I just only got plat cause my overall level as a player hardcore decreased with the rengar nerfs and I don't play as much cause social life

Originally Posted by Lane View Post
social life

Preposterously dank.