Originally Posted by Powas View Post
I see this statement as equivalent of 'you can't c&c if you're not an expert on topic X'. I realize my shortcomings, I do make shitloads of mistakes still, however, if someone lacks common sense, cannot follow simple instructions, flames and throws the game, I'm sure to blame such players and I doubt I'll ever change my perception of this. I differentiate between bad games and throws, get a brainlag and I'll call you out on it.

You can take whatever I say with a grain of salt, I don't care. But what's the point in blaming your teammates? Do you gain ELO and improve as a player by focusing on their poor performances and dragging yourself down with them? I'm sure you'll hit Challenger soon if that's the case.

No, but really, I wasn't being condescending or sarcastic when I said "The second you stop blaming your teammates you will improve", I meant every word of it. If someone lacks common sense then make up for it. Lacking damage on your team but your champion is meant to be played as a tank or have a utility role instead? Fuck it, build damage. Believe it or not I have seen many supports like Blitzcrank, Sona, and hell even Nami, carry games because they realized their "bad teammates" weren't that great or didn't know what to do and so they built damage items to compensate.

Anyways, good luck with your climb.
I'm with holotor with this one. Usually the first 5-10 minutes you can tell how good or bad your teammates are, and if your in a support role, depending who you pick you can turn the tides by not relying on your teammates and carrying yourself in lane with an adc. Sona can virtually one shot an ad carry, so long as they don't have resistance or a spell shield if you buy a lich bane, and have power chord ready. Level 11 with around 120so, lich bane and power chord ready, you will have that adc low enough for you to auto him to death or help your adc take the kill and try to get him ahead.

I stopped relying on teammates if I see there incompetent in lane while supporting. If I'm mid, and I see top or bots losing, I'll roam and shut the other team down so mine can try to get ahead. If I'm top, and my teams losing, and I'm doing good, I'll tell my team to push there lanes while I proceed to get the entire enemy team to camp me top while I push down towers left and right, and while they deal with me, my team will be hammering bit lane or mid pushing them.
It's all about the mind games
If your team-mates are shit, you are shit too because you can't carry them.

Deal with it.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Every single person in the game shares that trait. All 10 of you lack common sense and make a ton of mistakes. They just usually happen to be different mistakes, and you're all too stupid to learn from yourselves and each other.

What do you gain from blaming people for losing you a game? Nothing. Even worse, you actually waste time and effort to think and do that. I know it's different for players of different levels, and I know Kat probably feels like this about every elo outside of like d1, but for me, bronze/silver/gold essentially feel like intermediate bots. I know I will win basically every game because it's pretty hard to lose against intermediate bots. It doesn't matter if my team is absolute garbage, because they aren't relevant and I expect them to be garbage anyways.

Your team is irrelevant and the enemy team is irrelevant. If you are good enough, you shouldn't lose.

Sure, also repeating myself again but as I've stated in this discussion or few times before, I do make mistakes and I don't consider myself to be even relatively decent. As for the rest of your post, my previous once states everything I wanted to say already so I won't be repeating myself here again as well.

Originally Posted by Holotor View Post
You can take whatever I say with a grain of salt, I don't care. But what's the point in blaming your teammates? Do you gain ELO and improve as a player by focusing on their poor performances and dragging yourself down with them? I'm sure you'll hit Challenger soon if that's the case.

No, but really, I wasn't being condescending or sarcastic when I said "The second you stop blaming your teammates you will improve", I meant every word of it. If someone lacks common sense then make up for it. Lacking damage on your team but your champion is meant to be played as a tank or have a utility role instead? Fuck it, build damage. Believe it or not I have seen many supports like Blitzcrank, Sona, and hell even Nami, carry games because they realized their "bad teammates" weren't that great or didn't know what to do and so they built damage items to compensate.

Anyways, good luck with your climb.

Sure, it gives me elo, double whisky on ice and a blowjob :^)
Anyhow, I wouldn't say I focus on my loses. For the context, that day I lost many more games and deranked, not a big deal, I deranked and climbed back few times this season already. Just yesterday I had a game with 3 afk guys, t-thanks rito.
I don't expect people to be good, I sometimes expect them however to try to minimize their negative influence on the game. Being 0/5, 0/10, choose your poison, happens, however, going out of your way to make it more, throwing it one way or another, can be slightly annoying. Would a D1 player win both of those game I linked? Probably with ease. Would he make less mistakes? Sure. However, not a single person can win every game, no matter the level.
So, when a game happens where my mistakes are vastly outweighed by those of my teammates, I'll be sure to post here to share :^)

Originally Posted by Kristis133 View Post
If your team-mates are shit, you are shit too because you can't carry them.

Deal with it.

smh tbqh familia

I can guarantee with absolute certainty that I can win every single bronze game. Same with silver and low gold.

Every single one.

Is it possible for you to lose a game to bots? No. Why is that? Because their range of actions is very limited and very predictable. Bronzongs make a lot of mistakes that can be exploited to gain a game-winning advantage. You recognize that you make a lot of mistakes, so the first part to climbing is to start fixing them. The less mistakes you make, the less games you will lose because of your own mistakes. The next step after that is to develop a playstyle to win you games. If you try to get good, but you make a shitton of mistakes to begin with, no matter how good you think you are, you will lose at least half of your games. Limiting the amount of mistakes you make is enough to get you to low plat at the very least. You can suck dick all you want, but if you're at the very least carryable, you will at the very least get to plat.

Being good at the game is another matter entirely. Try to limit your own mistakes before you start attempting to be good.
I've climbed from bronze II to silver II for now, with this being my first season where I actually play the game a bit more, so I'd say I'm doing fine. Anyhow, you either missed my point or ignored it, unless you also win 100% games in your elo :^) Save your breath next time
Powas are you actually arguing that you're doing 100% the best you can be doing? I'm 99.9% sure that you can improve in more ways than you would even know. The whole argument was that you were blaming your teammates and everyone else here is saying "It's a waste of time to blame your teammates." And it 100% is a waste of time.

You have no argument to make at all. If you don't actually want to improve at league of legends then it's fine, but you're spending time playing it competitively so I doubt that is the case. You yourself said that you were bad, so instead of arguing when someone tries to give you the simple advice of "analyze your losses and learn from your mistakes" don't act like you know everything(not that you are saying you know everything but not taking advice from someone who knows more than you is somewhat a form of being a know-it-all).
Last edited by Grim; Mar 8, 2016 at 11:05 PM.
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
Originally Posted by Grim View Post
Powas are you actually arguing that you're doing 100% the best you can be doing? I'm 99.9% sure that you can improve in more ways than you would even know. The whole argument was that you were blaming your teammates and everyone else here is saying "It's a waste of time to blame your teammates." And it 100% is a waste of time.

You have no argument to make at all. If you don't actually want to improve at league of legends then it's fine, but you're spending time playing it competitively so I doubt that is the case. You yourself said that you were bad, so instead of arguing when someone tries to give you the simple advice of "analyze your losses and learn from your mistakes" don't act like you know everything(not that you are saying you know everything but not taking advice from someone who knows more than you is somewhat a form of being a know-it-all).

It might come as a shock to some people but hey, that sometimes still happens - I play games mostly for fun and to relax after hard day, LoL being no exception. Wins are usually more fun than loses but I've had some pretty entertaining ones as well. Esports and competitive plays ain't my thing.
As for 'no argument at all', that something you decided for yourself and, frankly, I'm not even sure to what you're referring - I presented screens from games where I felt that someone from my team made a special effort to ensure we lose it and stated why I don't like it, why I would hold such players accountable for some of my loses to a certain degree. We can agree to disagree in this regard, I'm not changing my perception and I don't expect you to change yours.
As for arguing and advices, might have come this way but I don't disagree with your posts anywhere expect for that one issue above. Hyde post's goes about 'I can win games at lower elo' while I can't see the relevance of it in the context of my last post (I agreed that better players would probably win anyway). I would be more than grateful, however, for actual advices - build wise, champ select wise vs this or that comp, based on my screens or not. General stuff, which can be summarized as 'get better' I know already, thanks (the fact that I'm generally ranking up should be decent indicator of that).