Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Try to carry til ya just cant carry no more. Havent won a game all day. Seems like my teammates are bigger enemies than the opposite team

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So, someone tell me how to successfully win as a support. I played 30 games in the last 4 days, I've only played support, and 22 of them I played Alistar. Lost every single one.
How do you learn to support when your adc is fucking garbage? Let alone the rest of the team. I know how to play Alistar, I can win 90% of the time top lane with him. As soon as I rely on my teammates I just instantly lose. I find picks with my team, I know when to engage, and disengage. I've duo'd to diamond before, I'm not exactly a low elo player. But the second I start relying as a support on my adc, they're just fucking garbage.
Prime example. Played alistar and had a kindred as my adc. Against a blitz and ashe, no big deal, I told my adc I was going to mute myself, and I play aggressive and I'll ping before I go to engage. So, we hit 3 before them, and I'm kind if keeping them off minions. I ping ashe because she was getting out of position from blitz, a solid 6-7 seconds I waited for kindred to get in position. He gets close I engage he runs off, like wtf? I dodged blitz pull after I engaged, so it's not like we lost but seriously? Countless times after that I would ping, engage and he'd just do something stupid. He got caught out by a gank right after a ward disappeared. No big deal, I counter engaged, and he left without dying. Had probably 30% hp left. He went behind tower and started backing, I was soaking up exp and trying to get gold of my own while he backed. I wasn't in trouble, there aatrox was still down there with the enemy team. Our adc decided it would be best to stay. Well I can't stop 3 peep from diving our adc, I stopped the aatrox who jumped in on him, but there ashe just ulted and blitz pulled him. I got the kill on aatrox because I cc'd him under tower.
And my adc just kept doing stupid shit, as well did the rest of my team. Lost the game because of incompetent teammates. But the second I stop playing support, I carry. 7ish games I didn't play support, and I won every one of them. Played adc a game, played vayne, had a blitz support. Against a blitz And jinx. 3 minutes in our blitz states I'm garbage and left. He was duo'd with our top lane garen. So I was in a 2v1 bot lane. I took first blood, and double kill at 6 minutes. I carried my team from a 2v1 situation in bot lane, all while being flamed at our garen and blitz because I was bad.
But God forbid I play support and do anything good, because people are fucking worthless when you need them. I can't support unless I have a adc that knows what there doing.

Anyone have tips for solo q support? Since it just doesn't seem possible to get an adc that knows what there doing
Last edited by Hacks; Mar 16, 2016 at 03:25 PM.
Originally Posted by Hacks View Post
So, someone tell me how to successfully win as a support. I played 30 games in the last 4 days, I've only played support, and 22 of them I played Alistar. Lost every single one.
How do you learn to support when your adc is fucking garbage? Let alone the rest of the team. I know how to play Alistar, I can win 90% of the time top lane with him. As soon as I rely on my teammates I just instantly lose. I find picks with my team, I know when to engage, and disengage. I've duo'd to diamond before, I'm not exactly a low elo player. But the second I start relying as a support on my adc, they're just fucking garbage.
Prime example. Played alistar and had a kindred as my adc. Against a blitz and ashe, no big deal, I told my adc I was going to mute myself, and I play aggressive and I'll ping before I go to engage. So, we hit 3 before them, and I'm kind if keeping them off minions. I ping ashe because she was getting out of position from blitz, a solid 6-7 seconds I waited for kindred to get in position. He gets close I engage he runs off, like wtf? I dodged blitz pull after I engaged, so it's not like we lost but seriously? Countless times after that I would ping, engage and he'd just do something stupid. He got caught out by a gank right after a ward disappeared. No big deal, I counter engaged, and he left without dying. Had probably 30% hp left. He went behind tower and started backing, I was soaking up exp and trying to get gold of my own while he backed. I wasn't in trouble, there aatrox was still down there with the enemy team. Our adc decided it would be best to stay. Well I can't stop 3 peep from diving our adc, I stopped the aatrox who jumped in on him, but there ashe just ulted and blitz pulled him. I got the kill on aatrox because I cc'd him under tower.
And my adc just kept doing stupid shit, as well did the rest of my team. Lost the game because of incompetent teammates. But the second I stop playing support, I carry. 7ish games I didn't play support, and I won every one of them. Played adc a game, played vayne, had a blitz support. Against a blitz And jinx. 3 minutes in our blitz states I'm garbage and left. He was duo'd with our top lane garen. So I was in a 2v1 bot lane. I took first blood, and double kill at 6 minutes. I carried my team from a 2v1 situation in bot lane, all while being flamed at our garen and blitz because I was bad.
But God forbid I play support and do anything good, because people are fucking worthless when you need them. I can't support unless I have a adc that knows what there doing.

Anyone have tips for solo q support? Since it just doesn't seem possible to get an adc that knows what there doing

If you have a hunch your adc is garbage, don't try to make 2v2 plays. Just farm and wait for the enemies to outplay themselves. Countless times I've played Thresh and the enemy jungler thinks it's perfectly ok to gank, 4-5min into the game when he's not even lvl 6, during the time when another wave of minions crashes into an even lane (so there's roughly 10 minions or so helping out, and we're not even overextended) so we end up 2v3'ing because they're fighting us in our minions and we end up getting a triple kill, bot tower, dragon, and, if we're healthy enough, we'll chunk down mid tower or even take it if top has rotated down to help as well.

If you don't trust a guy on your team to perform as they can (why would you anyways it's solo Q lol), then just build damage items. First blood on Blitzcrank? You know for sure I'm gonna invest that gold into a Luden's Echo (great for running to empty lanes, ulting, and collecting 200g or more instantly just by pressing R)! If I play Sona I'll go ahead and buy as if I'm playing a mid ap carry because no matter what I do or what I build, I'm useful because of my R, so I may as well buy some severe damage and oneshot the enemy carries and make them rage and afk because their support wasn't helping. Just a thought ;o

The Adventures of Double/Triple Jungle

So basically the idea is that if you have three junglers, one of you can free farm your own jungle while the other two can do the ganking and counter jungling. If you duo with someone, you have to make sure you're only sacrificing bot lane (take bot/support/fill in dynamic queue). You really have to be able to communicate with your team because you're doing something different from what everyone is used to. It's recommended that you do this with someone you know. You also have to manage experience and gold when double jungling the enemy side. Sometimes it might be better to have one take the big monsters and the other the small, give buffs to certain champs, etc. Devourer is a really risky buy since you don't really have as big a jungle to farm, but if you get dragons, rift heralds, baron, scuttler, successful ganks, and every fucking camp in the enemy jungler (all easy with 3 freakin smites) you should be fine.

It works really well if

a) the extra two are not item reliant
b) the free farm jungler needs a lot of items
c) you shut down enemy jungler early
d) you have strong ganks early

Cons are

a) you have no bot lane (it's a lot better to sacrifice bot than both top and mid)
b) if your free farm jungler is retarded and doesn't farm, you're fucked late game
c) you have no ADC
d) your team mates might get salty and play poorly
e) good luck getting someone who won't dodge on champ select

Overall, it's really fun and gives a new twist to the game. I mean double jungle is rare enough, but who the heck goes triple jungle?
Last edited by SparChar; Mar 16, 2016 at 05:18 PM.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
If your adc is garbage, you roam. You give them only as much attention as necessary to prevent them from feeding bot lane.

Unfortunately, against a blitz lane, you can't really stop the adc from feeding if they're garbage, so you have to either roam really successfully to force blitz to leave the lane, or shut down the enemy adc as hard as you can with your incompetent adc to at least let your shitty adc be ahead of the enemy adc.

Or just play carry supports. Zyra is pretty much the best support you could learn to be a carry support.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
If your adc is garbage, you roam. You give them only as much attention as necessary to prevent them from feeding bot lane.

Unfortunately, against a blitz lane, you can't really stop the adc from feeding if they're garbage, so you have to either roam really successfully to force blitz to leave the lane, or shut down the enemy adc as hard as you can with your incompetent adc to at least let your shitty adc be ahead of the enemy adc.

Or just play carry supports. Zyra is pretty much the best support you could learn to be a carry support.

I was able to blow up their fizz and adc. It was just at the point that they would use everything on me, my team just didn't have anything when i died.

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
Originally Posted by Hacks View Post
So, someone tell me how to successfully win as a support. I played 30 games in the last 4 days, I've only played support, and 22 of them I played Alistar. Lost every single one.
How do you learn to support when your adc is fucking garbage? Let alone the rest of the team. I know how to play Alistar, I can win 90% of the time top lane with him. As soon as I rely on my teammates I just instantly lose. I find picks with my team, I know when to engage, and disengage. I've duo'd to diamond before, I'm not exactly a low elo player. But the second I start relying as a support on my adc, they're just fucking garbage.
Prime example. Played alistar and had a kindred as my adc. Against a blitz and ashe, no big deal, I told my adc I was going to mute myself, and I play aggressive and I'll ping before I go to engage. So, we hit 3 before them, and I'm kind if keeping them off minions. I ping ashe because she was getting out of position from blitz, a solid 6-7 seconds I waited for kindred to get in position. He gets close I engage he runs off, like wtf? I dodged blitz pull after I engaged, so it's not like we lost but seriously? Countless times after that I would ping, engage and he'd just do something stupid. He got caught out by a gank right after a ward disappeared. No big deal, I counter engaged, and he left without dying. Had probably 30% hp left. He went behind tower and started backing, I was soaking up exp and trying to get gold of my own while he backed. I wasn't in trouble, there aatrox was still down there with the enemy team. Our adc decided it would be best to stay. Well I can't stop 3 peep from diving our adc, I stopped the aatrox who jumped in on him, but there ashe just ulted and blitz pulled him. I got the kill on aatrox because I cc'd him under tower.
And my adc just kept doing stupid shit, as well did the rest of my team. Lost the game because of incompetent teammates. But the second I stop playing support, I carry. 7ish games I didn't play support, and I won every one of them. Played adc a game, played vayne, had a blitz support. Against a blitz And jinx. 3 minutes in our blitz states I'm garbage and left. He was duo'd with our top lane garen. So I was in a 2v1 bot lane. I took first blood, and double kill at 6 minutes. I carried my team from a 2v1 situation in bot lane, all while being flamed at our garen and blitz because I was bad.
But God forbid I play support and do anything good, because people are fucking worthless when you need them. I can't support unless I have a adc that knows what there doing.

Anyone have tips for solo q support? Since it just doesn't seem possible to get an adc that knows what there doing

Another thing that's important when you die: Be vocal, if they aren't trolls your team will listen to you provided you aren't feeding. So step 1, don't die unless you think your team will win the fight if you do whatever. And step 2 make calls, and if you aren't confident in your game knowledge study vods and what not. Although I don't think my mechanics are good at all(they aren't) i do think I understand the game to at least some degree. So yeah that's how I win a support.

Also, alistar is my favorite personally, haven't lost a game with him yet. I think bard is good if you practice him a bit, and also things like lulu/sona/blitzcrank/janna can also hard carry 1v2 botlane.
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥

Long Bleh

i did thresh mid again (1/10/16)

and i got triple kill at zed

and my 9 game win steak got broke when I played 0/9 yasuo Mid.
that's what I like to see
es gp es real (yeah yeah, I know I have less farm than trundle, still, quite annoying lane, couldn't kill him during lane phase and shyv ganked me several times).