Spartan, if you need any more details or anything else we can help with please PM me and i will talk to the leaders. (we want to be as involved as we can with the picture rendering process). Pm me or find me on skype if you need anything, good luck with the request (im understanding you are starting, correct?) <3 always

Request for: Spartan094 (or Jebus)
Requesting: Avvy/Sig/Both?
Size: VIP
Price: 10k+ the best you got you mofo
Details: colors, idk something that matches my set. environment, uhhh lightning strikes (dark background, not just pitch black though, but a dark background with bright flashes of lightning)

oh yeah

Also ill take your finest GUI textures

ill pay the max etc. etc.

( i love the one you used as an example) (under the MOAR word) if possible ill just buy that one (but change the other tori with mine)
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
Request for: Spartan094
Requesting: Avvy/Sig/Both?avvy
Size: Normal or VIP (Desktop Size Available, just ask)normal
Price: 5k
Details: Colors, Fonts, Environment? The more details you share the faster your work will be done,colour platinum and vampire,and others up to you

if done sent to PM
Originally Posted by Fachry View Post
Request for: Spartan094
Requesting: GUI
Price Range: 5k
Details: Colour : demolition , i want my tori in it like nino have but in sleep pose, make it robotish background

Shape:Still square
Text:Toribash = Fachrybash , Sleeping perfected

i dont know kowla already requested sleeping perfected :
can you change it to

Sleeping perfected : Robot Edition
i dont want my tori in it
k thanks
hayz : Fachry is kewl and i like him(in a non-gay way)
Originally Posted by modonali View Post
spartan nice picture

zomg thanks!


Gotcha, for the gui, can you link me the example? I can even find things in my own shop...
Originally Posted by Fachry View Post
i dont know kowla already requested sleeping perfected :
can you change it to

Sleeping perfected : Robot Edition
i dont want my tori in it
k thanks

No problem, noted.


Sounds cool, just a 3d tori next to your name, or is this of the 2d variety?

Also Kowla:


I'll make sure to get on skype more often, always love to hear a customer interested in the WIPs.

Queue updated
Last edited by Spartan094; Oct 19, 2011 at 04:18 PM.
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Hey peeps, its that time again. Update time.
Here we go:

Once again, if you can't read my handwriting...well tough luck.
Let me know what you think of the heads, but if you mention detail or shading:
You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best. I've been gone for a month, I've been drunk since I left.
I can read your handwriting just fine. It's not the best, but you can still read it.

Yea, red hair is definetely better. Beard and eyebrows seems blurry in the in the sides. The nose looks like it's bending to the right (seen from heads angle) but I guess that's just how it looks when you post it like that. I would like to see him more aggresive though. Try opening his mouth so it looks like he's yelling, and make his face expression more angry. Could you try making his eyes green or a dark blue?

Right now he's like: That dipshit is going down..

Keep dem WIP's coming! You're doing a really good job. I'm glad I chose you ;)

Moar shaders and details pl0x
I sell TC and I give loans. PM me for info.
Need help with market? PM Ryan
<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.

I saw your edit. Sneaky bastard...;)
Anyways, I haven't written anything by hand in like 10 years, so ya, it sucks.
So, fix the blur, dark blue or green eyes. The nose is straight, just the angle as you said. I'm not sure about the mouth open idea, you already can't see the beard very well because its so low, but I can give it a try.
I'll have some more pics tomorrow.
You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best. I've been gone for a month, I've been drunk since I left.
*starts to fap*.O OH GAWD!
That's fucking epic mate, as in fucking epic.....the only thing that would make it better other than the other things you mentioned is whiskers! No. I like this head already even just as a wip lol can't see what you have in store next
Damn you so are the best texturer I've ever talked too O.O
*stops fapping*