Originally Posted by Hacks View Post
I enjoy muting every player when I enter a game thats on my team. I usually just chat with the enemies, they seem less toxic when I'm learning a new champion.

You're damn right.

Just got noticed by Trin-Senpai, feels pretty good.
French Player, Old member of OFRO
Hunting S rankings for my mastery 7 on Talon...

I got an S in hexakill but didn't receive any tokens, is that normal? :/

(17/2/3 babyyy)
Have you tried thresh adc with blitz? Especially since my friend is so goo at thresh lucian and vayne got their asses handed to them. Get hooked get buttfucked

Why do the elo gods hate me. I was something like 7-1 as nocturne jungle. Had a 4-0 lb, and my bot lane was going even. I was beating their lee sin for most of the game, but of course, my top lane yasuo is 0-5. They have a super fed fizz and yasuo starts flaming me for being a bad jungler. Now im not stupid so im not gonna go gank a 5-0 fizz when their lee sin is camping top because fizz is gonna get a double kill and im gonna cry. So i keep ganking bot. Then my bot lane decides to give lee sin like 5 kills for free and let him back into the game. They start flaming me for taking all the kills even tho im nocturne, and we lose by like 10k gold in 26 minutes after being up something like 8-2 with yasuo being 0-2. Our bot and top went a combined 4-31 while me and lb went 21-12.

I fed late game, went from 7-1 to 10-7, I should have been more aggressive in counterganking the lee sin so that he couldn't get ahead, and I should have gone top a lot sooner, but getting flamed by your teammates who have managed to turn a 6v4 into an 8v2 in less than 10 minutes feels horrible.
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
Because it doesnt remove the fact they can act toxic, simply having your entire team muted seems like it would be cancer. Some people have things to say, which if percieved unheeded by the people around them will transform them into a toxic piece of shit, that doesnt need to put text on your screen to tilt you.
Wanna see some ruffled feathers in Taekkyon

<Icky> Damn my mouth is on fire but my loins stir like the straits