Endurance Onslaught 6.0
In regards to the reworks, waiting for shaco's and the disappointment by the masses at /r/shacomains. Anything they do to shaco will probably make me quit this game. The sheer amount of games I've played of shaco makes me unable to fathom how they are going to change him and keep him 'shaco' as his the parts of his kit make him shaco. The only thing that I imagine them doing other than a complete sion level rework would be making him purely ad. Similarly they are apparently doing to yorick.

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Also, lol

that day of the month

Leveling without boosts, oh god I feel your pain. Thank god I'm way past having to play and pay attention to others in that level. Gotta love using custom game rules to maximise production of level 30's. Boosts FTW
i never used an xp boost on my way to 30, i wanted to 'challenge' myself. It just put me way behind of my friends lmao
Katarina, Talon, LeBlanc, Rengar are getting the big reworks. Sucks, I have to learn Leb and Kata all over again. Zed and Akoala might get small reworks

Originally Posted by Kat View Post
my computer has aids lately and i cant stream properly, i used to

But yeah, I will definitely be playing in the next EUCS, there's still like 4 months until that begins tho.

when u grow big and famous dont forget us papi
Last edited by Lust; Aug 20, 2016 at 10:28 AM.
As a Rengar main, it pains me to see a BOT LANE PLAYER rework my champion. As it's already been stated that Rengar is no longer going to be able to combo all his abilities mid air to some extent, and that his W is going to have significant changes, I'm both excited and scared. Riot usually overdoes it or underdoes it with Reworks, rarely is there an in between. The only thing I hope they do is change his w to be AD in general. AP is fun and all but having more burst potential in the ad field is neato.

I play all four champs that are getting the big reworks. I hope it'll be fun to re-learn them.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
omfg. I broke my mouse mid game. It wasn't working... dumbass mouse. I smashed it to little pieces and threw it out the window. This fucking laptop's screen is broken... who the fuck broke my fucking laptop jesus fkn christ... im now at fucking gold 3 1lp. I need to fucking get plat now if it wasnt for this bs screen and cheap ass mouse. jesus fucking christ.
3698 PM me if you want to see a secret.