history repeated itself. I really thought ROX could win that one, but at the last game their mistake was they went Nashor and they got caught already in bad shape :c

the missfortune support was specifically picked to counter zyra plants via her E and Love Tap, and now i see shitheads all over at my ELO doing it in ranked games to do the "OP Ashe MF botlane combo they saw in youtube by Brofresco"

its like a new Yasuo-Malphite combo
Originally Posted by Lust View Post
history repeated itself. I really thought ROX could win that one, but at the last game their mistake was they went Nashor and they got caught already in bad shape :c

the missfortune support was specifically picked to counter zyra plants via her E and Love Tap, and now i see shitheads all over at my ELO doing it in ranked games to do the "OP Ashe MF botlane combo they saw in youtube by Brofresco"

its like a new Yasuo-Malphite combo

Not saying that brofesco is totally boosted and play those games in "fake games" just to make some views...

Just smurfed on a friends acc in bronze, boosted his ass to Silver, and honestly, I don't know how you can be stuck in Bronze. Really.
French Player, Old member of OFRO
Originally Posted by HawkeyeTFA View Post
Not saying that brofesco is totally boosted and play those games in "fake games" just to make some views...

Just smurfed on a friends acc in bronze, boosted his ass to Silver, and honestly, I don't know how you can be stuck in Bronze. Really.

Isnt brofresco bronze lol

edit: if you mean that he was boosted in the videos then ok.
Originally Posted by Vishnu View Post
Isnt brofresco bronze lol

edit: if you mean that he was boosted in the videos then ok.

No, I mean he is LITERALLY boosted, he duo with a guy that put them at around 85 winrate or something. So brofesco is being boosted and is in a division that he do not deserve.
French Player, Old member of OFRO
Forget bronze, my mmr went to shit cuz im tilted and I'm playing with gold players again. My god gold looks boosted as fuck to me now, and I'm only plat 4, played a few games with mostly gold players and absolutely smashed lane every single game. Then again they could have all just been bad or on tilt, but it felt like I was playing against 3 monkeys and 2 bots.
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
Originally Posted by Grim View Post
Forget bronze, my mmr went to shit cuz im tilted and I'm playing with gold players again. My god gold looks boosted as fuck to me now, and I'm only plat 4, played a few games with mostly gold players and absolutely smashed lane every single game. Then again they could have all just been bad or on tilt, but it felt like I was playing against 3 monkeys and 2 bots.

Well that's actually how I feel playing against Bronze/Silvers in rank, don't know about the EUW Gold, but i'm about to see
French Player, Old member of OFRO
they say EU Bronze is like PH Silver, I pity players stuck in bronze PH.

i had experienced playing with bronze players when my friend asked me to duo with him so he could get silver, the Mid-Lategame is horrible. its like theres a rule that if you break tower you have to stay in other lanes and leave your lane behind. Towers < Dragon. Sightstone is non-existing. TRASH YAS MAINS.
Sooo. I really wanted to start talking about this.

The famous and infamous player from your country that are know. And when I mean infamous, I'm speaking about player like Hashinshin.

I'm from France so i'm gonna start.
We basically have some player that are pretty know in SoloQ, if you know ArKaDaTa...well he's french.

We also have some players that gave their names to things ingame, DominGo is a good example, he is know for maining mid and playing Assassin's like Jayce/Lb/Zed, he gave his name to the action of failing your flash and hitting a wall instead. They called it the "DominGo".

There is Alderiate, A Challenger/Master player who OTP Jax/Trynda/Olaf and his know as a really strong toplaner, he use the verbs "Bolossage" to basically say that he will trash someone with total disrespect in lane.

Corobizar is well know for being a funny guy, Sion main and respected by the whole french community for making everyone laugh and have a good time.

And then, they are some of the infamous player.

Sardoche is well know for playing Cassiopeia and Vel'koz Mid, and for tilting pretty fucking easily, it's like a French and midlane version of Hashinshin, blaming everyone but himself.

Exsou is a Nidalee player know for missing...All his spears...On enemy's stunned. Yup...

What about the players from your country ?

(Just forgive me for my not fluent english..I might be not precise enough aswell as phrasing awkardly)
Last edited by HawkeyeTFA; Oct 27, 2016 at 04:16 AM.
French Player, Old member of OFRO
when youre better than the tier you're smurfing in ,it will always seem easy

also fuck arkadata

for Romania there's only 4 good players : odoamne, xerxe, aod and me
the national esports "scene" we have also blows
Last edited by Kat; Oct 27, 2016 at 05:21 AM.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter