hi Mud! flip going fine!!! anyway i find a little job for my vacation so i'll be a bit anactive for a few time so ill post here sometime :/
just a fancy signature
y is no one ever on when i am lately dammit!
Become one with the cow.
If you need to contact me, my Discord username is simply "ediblecow."
oh ok thx potram

Real Name:mohammad
GMT (For Clanwars, etc.):+3
A little about yourself:i am not a good player but i can be soon , i am active in forum but i will be more soon , i know some of members in this clan as darker and potram and cheffchen

Belt: orange
Best (Most liked) Mods: jousting and judo
How many days in week are you online: 3 days activity in game but in forum all days using phone [ Samsung SIII mini]
People, who send you here: no one , but i know some good members so for that i join here
People you know in the clanotram , darker , cheffchen
Previous Clans (Why left?): no previous clans
Previous Bans (Why?): no previous bans
Alts: no alts that is my main

Why you want to join this clan: cuz this clan is a good got a good member and its good to be with the most hardest spares
Can do anything for the clan (Videos, Art, etc.):will i dont know how to do art and videos but i can be active in forum so the thread will never die
Read the Rules and will follow them: i will follow the rules and i will never ignore it
Skype name (Raises chance of getting in):mohammad.n.jallad
well i don't know you but i think you're a nice guy i guess :P and you know the ppl that have the power in the clan so i can't do a shit xD so i guess welcome :3 (it's a yes from me)
I'm not sure what's happening anymore