Originally Posted by srrwb View Post
grab the sword, kill the guy that comes to kick you, store the sword in your inventory.

^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
Are upstairs or downstairs? If you're still downstairs, walk up in the most dramatic fashion possible. If not, do whateverthefuck.
Quickly run up the stairs with your shield and slide all the way back down on the back of it
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Take the sword out of the guy, and wrap your cape around his wound.

(If he's still alive ofc)

If not, or anyways, walk up the stairs
take the sword and make a makeshift shaft for it by hollowing out the bedleg with your spear (just cuz it'll look cool ^^) go up stairs like Link :O
Judo King
Take the guy's headband that you killed. It could be useful for when you get hurt, use it as a bandage. Take the painting off the ground, and plug the whole on the ground leading to the secret place. If any monsters come, you know that they can't come from that whole. Now, your still not done in this room. If you possibly can, try to move or push the rock. If that doesn't work, ram it with your shield to see if it is hollow or useful in any way. Now walk up stairs slowly, but cautiously.
Take off your cape and wrap the body up in it, then carry on up the stairs with the blanket strapped over your shoulder.

Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
Take the guy's headband that you killed. It could be useful for when you get hurt, use it as a bandage. Take the painting off the ground, and plug the whole on the ground leading to the secret place. If any monsters come, you know that they can't come from that whole.

Storing sword and headband in inventory.

I begin to worry about the proportions of this room, and how inconsistent they are, but I quickly dismiss it as my imagination.

Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
Quickly run up the stairs with your shield and slide all the way back down on the back of it


The speed was so great I lost my crown of feathers. It was worth it though.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl