Hey eason, thank you for keeping the spirit of christmas merry . If you would be so kind, I would like to ask for that maya blood. Thank you very much and I hope your holiday is going great, you're improving so many other people's =).
I want to have the juryo relax.

Thanks and Merry Christmas!
[insert name here] [insert name here] [insert name here]
What's up eason, great thing your doing for the community here! Tek cer <3
Pyro | MF | GerU | Electric | Revel | Essence
Wow, Eason and Rhaemondzzzkie, you're so generous! I'm just like you, a while back I held a giveaway until people stopped posting in the thread. It was quite fun to be able to give to the community. Good job on your work.

I'll take whatever, it doesn't matter. I need to get into marketing again, but with zero toricredits and zero items to use, that's not likely to happen. ;)
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
can i have Gaia Ghost or a aqua torso god i feel like a homeless man asking for free stuff lol also no one says this any more but Merry Christmas
Last edited by romn4; Dec 24, 2013 at 03:45 AM. Reason: forgot to say merry chrismas
I throw my Spanish in the air some times sayyin ayyo no comprendo