Original Post
A New Color is on the Horizon....
This time, we will not be the ones to decide what the new color is, it will be you.
The winning team in this year's Team's League will get to choose the newest color, and have it named after their team.
Sign ups start now.
Last edited by evets; Feb 15, 2010 at 09:54 PM.
Ah, forgot about amber. Bronze is brown though.
Well, I guess I dont need another orange than. Just makes me all the more curious!
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

steve. if you dont' post the color within 1 minute of this post i'll come to your house and turn your cock inside out D:
Originally Posted by Bio View Post
toricredits it comes then.....

It's been like that for over an hour = P
Originally Posted by Bio View Post
steve. if you dont' post the color within 1 minute of this post i'll come to your house and turn your cock inside out D:

17 times
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