Once upon a murder, detective Hampa was ready for anything, even gay hookers and sluts. But today he wanted a shemale named Shirly Temple, who happened to Be a llama on cocaine. His Name was Burned. Hampa shot Burned, 3 times in the groin. He spit in his mother's eyes because, You know, YOLO. His dick was marauded and decapitated. Soap, AKA "BurnedBugs' Father" , masturbated to homosexual activities performed by hobomoose and his mother, it was gross. "Son, suck my bar of Soap!" Said uncle pervert who was late for his own barmitsva. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew unto the crime scene. *strange fart* Ewwwww... What the hellish fuck was he eating?! He ate dicks that had been sitting in a oven for 3 mother fucking years
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