Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
I had so fucked up dream this morning... Really.
I usually get those kind of dreams ones a year.

This one I had could be a good movie, novel or a comic book.

I don't have time to describe all of it, you can read short version on art thread.

Jesus. Why do I have those kind of dreams? It's never something nice.

Just so that you are reminded that your brain is the perfect artist: it can create whatever awesome psuedo-reality and make you believe, and then take it all away from you in an instant; just to keep you in place: a slave working around the clock, having 30% of the energy you consume through food being fuel for the brain, and only aprx. 3% of your brain actually being your conscious part... That leaves 29% of your energy needs in the hands of something, something that forcibly keeps you in place by such horrid experiences such as dejavu, extravagant dreams, needs you can never truly satisfy, wishes for an improbable (read impossible) future etc... All to keep you working the hardships through a worn down body, a clockwork: of an subconscious that is in one way 97% of "you"...

Tough life huh?
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
I had so fucked up dream this morning... Really.
I usually get those kind of dreams ones a year.

This one I had could be a good movie, novel or a comic book.

I don't have time to describe all of it, you can read short version on art thread.

Jesus. Why do I have those kind of dreams? It's never something nice. You should try lucid dreaming and find out ;d
But why's the rum gone? :v
Guys what really scares me is how that dream was perfectly conducted by my brain.

Here is an example:

- Guy who hired me to find out what really happened in that fire (was it just an accident or not) was constantly calling me 'son'

- There was only one survivor from that fire, and as he said to me 'badly burned to his face and arms' ( I was trying to find out the whole time who that was, to apprehend him and question cause he was only living witness)

- He showed me half of the burned picture of his daughter, it was split, and you could clearly see there was someone else beside her, half of an arm was around her neck, when I asked: ''Don't you have some better pictures than this'' he replied: ''That is the last time she was photographed, you should recognized her better...''

- He also told me ''I've lost my daughter, and few weeks ago I lost my son. I don't have anything else to lose, but too much to atone for...''

- During my travel through that hellish place I was in constant contact with my sister via special mobile phone, I never seen her face, just a blurred snap-shot whenever she would call me (like avatar used on Skype) and only heard her voice. She constantly pushed me forward, with encouragement and solace. She was bringing me back whenever I would 'lose myself' attacked with apparitions and monsters.

- Through the search I could hear music, a song from Police ''Every breath I take'', coming from some radios or gramophones, TV sets.

- I got really badly burned to my face and left hand by one monster

When I found last page of her diary with the other half of that burned picture where can I see her and myself, photographed just before our father, police commissioner sent us as a cover agents to that school. I was to act as a staff, with fake criminal record, she was to act as a autistic kid. We were exposed, bad guys killed her in the fire and I almost die there too trying to save her. I lost my mind. I never admitted to myself that she is dead, always speaking with her through the phone, or over internet, I was badly burned, my face disfigured, but I didn't admitted that to myself too. So I was always seeing myself as normal.
Our father tried one last shot, to send me there hoping I will face my inner monsters, quilt for not be able to save her and come to my mind (which I do in the end) and everything PERFECTLY CLICKED together, every previous scene, dialog, clues, all came together just perfectly.

I didn't see the end of the dream because that last realization had too hard emotional impact on me and I woke up instantly.

But, when I make comic out of this, I think the last scene where I upload all the clues via internet to my fathers computer, so he can apprehend the key figures from that accident, say goodbye to him and return to dark halls of that school, limping, with the gun in one hand,never to return again, with the song of Police ''Every breath you take'' will be just perfect ending to the whole piece.

There will be no happy ending. Just a bitter taste that although the bad guys will fall, there is no save for his son. He will never forgive himself and he is happy to return to hell.
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Oct 30, 2013 at 07:46 PM.
Lol, me and snake played Portal II coop today...

He perfectly executed his mastery from Metal gear Solid games when he managed to sneak under light bridge and press some button despite the shooting squad of killer robo-turrets.

That was really funny stuff. I'm so sad I couldn't catch that like video or stream...

And some random facts:

Did you know that Montenegro was at war with Japan for 102 years!!!

During the krim war (idk how it's called on english) Russia and Montenegro were allies and in good political bonds. In 1904 when Russia attacked Japan, Montenegro also declared war to japan and even sent few of their men to fight on that front. When Russia sign peace treaty (they lost) Montenegro didn't, not admitting the defeat.
Now, our states are so far away that there was no way we could even come close to Japan and vice verse. But grudge remained. XD
It was forgotten when Montenegro changed government so official peace treaty was never sign for 102 years! At 2006 it was finally signed and 'war' was over!

Sadly, I missed to kill few tourist from Japan who were spending their vacation on our beaches. Well, I wouldn't kill them, I'm not like that. I would probably just capture them and asked ransom for their lives. If it would go to court, just showing that declaration of war is still active I wouldn't be prosecuted, lol. I was doing it in the interest of my state! XD

But, 102 year war is long time over by now. XD
Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
Since I'm permabaned on WOT forums I guess I'll be more active here now.

Could you link us to a thread perhaps explaining why? xD
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
I said to moderators that they are Auschwitz company.

I just told them the truth, but they couldn't stand the truth. XD

Actually, I think they got mad because I was comparing their forum with the blog that one player made (who is also permabaned after exposing their staff that they rig contests), and that I rather enjoy to read that (like many ppl also do since his blog is massively popular) than their forum. So, I guess, after that they probably thought: ''Then go and read his blog motherfucker!''

And that was it. XD
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Nov 7, 2013 at 09:22 PM.