Originally Posted by strudle206 View Post
Hi my name is strudle206 i don`t know y i picked it i just did i love toribash and i would love to know what it is like to be apart of an event with a clan i was in a apex server and met jelly blob and skittleman they were bolth realy cool people i love to be random (when its apropriot) example: banana my belt is 2nd dan black belt my favorit mods are aikido and judo and i love to spar
This is my user card

No from me as well
That means that the leader rejected you, then if I say yes we argue about you, and if I say no then NO.
Last edited by Skittleman; Jun 17, 2014 at 05:23 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Taste the Rainbow.
Name: Virum
Age: 14
Belt: Orange
Forum Activeness: I dont post on anything, due to nothing being interesting to me. I do get on Every single day to check it out though.
Ingame Activeness: 10
Bans, infractions, or warnings: None
Past clans and why you left them:None
Anyone you know in this clan: SkittleMan
Why do you want us: I want a community of friends that I can hangout and learn from.
Why should we want you: I have great potential as a player, and I want to learn.
Best mods: ABD, Aikido, Greykido
worst mods: Lenshu, and Wushu
At least 150 words about yourself: Im a great player with potential, and i would like to learn from one of the best.
Originally Posted by Virum View Post
Name: Virum
Age: 14
Belt: Orange
Forum Activeness: I dont post on anything, due to nothing being interesting to me. I do get on Every single day to check it out though.
Ingame Activeness: 10
Bans, infractions, or warnings: None
Past clans and why you left them:None
Anyone you know in this clan: SkittleMan
Why do you want us: I want a community of friends that I can hangout and learn from.
Why should we want you: I have great potential as a player, and I want to learn.
Best mods: ABD, Aikido, Greykido
worst mods: Lenshu, and Wushu
At least 150 words about yourself: Im a great player with potential, and i would like to learn from one of the best.

Denied. Nice try FoxBeck.
_________________.( MindStorm )._________________
I'm the leader of this pretty cool clan called Apex.
IRC is love, IRC is life. Hit me up on the #Apex channel!
Wanna help feed my ego? Join my fan club!
Are you awesome? Apply for Apex.
Im not Foxbeck. (Whoever he is) Im just a newcomer, if you might think I am an alt, then check my join date. I joined, I believe eariy this month maybe? Im not sure, but I hope that helps clear things up
Last edited by Virum; Jun 18, 2014 at 06:18 PM.
Originally Posted by FoxBeck
If your serious about practicing, I am a black belt and i will help you. I will use my account named Virum.

Don't lie. C'mon now.
_________________.( MindStorm )._________________
I'm the leader of this pretty cool clan called Apex.
IRC is love, IRC is life. Hit me up on the #Apex channel!
Wanna help feed my ego? Join my fan club!
Are you awesome? Apply for Apex.
Where was that posted? I want to go there and ask him a question.
And you lied. I found the post, and it doesn't say ANYTHING about Virum
Last edited by Virum; Jun 18, 2014 at 09:43 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Virum View Post
Where was that posted? I want to go there and ask him a question.
And you lied. I found the post, and it doesn't say ANYTHING about Virum

Never post here again or in the clan thread. Lying is bad enough, and not owning up to it is pure stupidity. I also doubt you will get in any other clans after this, it's very immature.
_________________.( MindStorm )._________________
I'm the leader of this pretty cool clan called Apex.
IRC is love, IRC is life. Hit me up on the #Apex channel!
Wanna help feed my ego? Join my fan club!
Are you awesome? Apply for Apex.
Name: Decyph3r (sam irl)
Belt: 2nd dan black
Forum Activeness: i get on everyday so 8/10
Ingame Activeness: also 8/10
Bans, infractions, or warnings: none
Past clans and why you left them: SoaR; I left because I felt that they were not going anywhere:they lacked ambition. Also, the leadership was questionable (Toxicpaul is a brown belt, i believe)
Anyone you know in this clan: n/a
Why do you want us: I like your clan. I'm looking for a fresh start, my past clan experiences being not- so- great. I need a clan i can come back to at the end of the day, and you guys look... accepting
Why should we want you: Not to brag, but I'm good at what I do, and if I'm not good at a mod, I practice it until I get it down. For instance, about a month ago i didn't know what the difference between Wushu and Mushu was. Now, I'm rank 130 in Mushu. So, I guess my reigning virtue is perseverance
Best mods: Aikido, Mushu, xspar, zygbox, parkour(sometimes), and Judo
worst mods: Wushu, Taekyyon, and Ninjitsu.
At least 150 words about yourself: I started my Toribash career back in February, and it's been a wild ride since then. I've had nothing but fun since I downloaded this sketchy free online game to my computer, and I regret not a minute of my 200+ hours on this game. I started as everyone does: a lowly, noob-clapping, shoveling scrub that played aikido, mostly. I continued playing almost exclusively aikido, until around black belt rank I started pushing myself towards more parkour based mods. Eventually, I found mushu, which I've basically played during my 91+ hours as a second dan. Along the way I met quite a few colorful people, I've made friends, and I've lost some, and I can't say that I don't miss those lost. In the end, all I have to say about myself concerning Toribash is this: it has officially consumed my life, but I don't regret a moment of it.
Your usercard:
3 replays:
P.S. If you don't accept me, I'll understand. All I can ask for is just a fair chance. Thank you for you time.
also! I'm not DeSypher, I swear on my life. I saw him in a past reply, and I guess Decyph3r isn't as original as I though it was...
Last edited by Decyph3r; Jun 19, 2014 at 06:58 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump