Originally Posted by LtKenny View Post
Nah those wouldn't fit his feet are bigger than yours.

Do it anyway, in the assumption that, like all good bosses, his gear automatically resizes to fit you.
The take his flamethrower whiles hes on the ground and blaze him with it
you speak english or portuguese?so what are you waiting for? No-Mercy is Recruiting,Join now!
Originally Posted by toabytooby View Post
The take his flamethrower whiles hes on the ground and blaze him with it

...he's not on the ground..

try to protect yourself from the flames with your sword and shield.
Now, about that inventory of yours. Make yourself into macho man by doing the following. Get the key, and ram it into the bed leg. This is your offhand weapon. Get the blanket, and stuff it under your headband, which gives you this mystical turban/cape thing that those terrorists in deserts where. Rap the bottom part of hte blanket around your torso, where it keeps your Sheild in place behind you back (to prevent possible backstabbers). Then clean off all your weapons with the poisoned lint, when you are done, stuff it on your spear. Now with the spear in your left, and sword in your right, U ARE SUPAMAN. stick your club/bed leg/key into your belt, and jump through the painting into the hole of death. Ur armor and weapons make you confedent nothing bad will happen to you

Shuda done it, shounta you?
- its been a while
He looks stupid. Throw the blanket so that it wraps around his feet and then hold the blanket in front of you when he shoots.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Dodge the flames until he runs out of gas then pull your ass open like goatse and use your acid rectum to burn off his face.
collect snots from the nose
Run downstairs. Stop. Drop. Roll. Look in inventory to suit up. Tie that cool bandanna onto your sword. Now look it through the two nostrils of your shield! Boom, now its a bayonet+shield. Remember the signs in the room? One said eating, the one closest to that door. Look into your inventory, or Run way way way back o go get some worms. Try to get that monster with flamethrower to eat the worms...or something. When he eats it, he disobeyed the rules. So i guess they should be enforced somehow...