Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Decyph3r View Post
Name: Decyph3r (sam irl)
Belt: 2nd dan black
Forum Activeness: i get on everyday so 8/10
Ingame Activeness: also 8/10
Bans, infractions, or warnings: none
Past clans and why you left them: SoaR; I left because I felt that they were not going anywhere:they lacked ambition. Also, the leadership was questionable (Toxicpaul is a brown belt, i believe)
Anyone you know in this clan: n/a
Why do you want us: I like your clan. I'm looking for a fresh start, my past clan experiences being not- so- great. I need a clan i can come back to at the end of the day, and you guys look... accepting
Why should we want you: Not to brag, but I'm good at what I do, and if I'm not good at a mod, I practice it until I get it down. For instance, about a month ago i didn't know what the difference between Wushu and Mushu was. Now, I'm rank 130 in Mushu. So, I guess my reigning virtue is perseverance
Best mods: Aikido, Mushu, xspar, zygbox, parkour(sometimes), and Judo
worst mods: Wushu, Taekyyon, and Ninjitsu.
At least 150 words about yourself: I started my Toribash career back in February, and it's been a wild ride since then. I've had nothing but fun since I downloaded this sketchy free online game to my computer, and I regret not a minute of my 200+ hours on this game. I started as everyone does: a lowly, noob-clapping, shoveling scrub that played aikido, mostly. I continued playing almost exclusively aikido, until around black belt rank I started pushing myself towards more parkour based mods. Eventually, I found mushu, which I've basically played during my 91+ hours as a second dan. Along the way I met quite a few colorful people, I've made friends, and I've lost some, and I can't say that I don't miss those lost. In the end, all I have to say about myself concerning Toribash is this: it has officially consumed my life, but I don't regret a moment of it.
Your usercard: https://cache.toribash.com/usercard/1...cyph3r.png?169
3 replays: http://forum.toribash.com/replay.php?download=21299
P.S. If you don't accept me, I'll understand. All I can ask for is just a fair chance. Thank you for you time.
also! I'm not DeSypher, I swear on my life. I saw him in a past reply, and I guess Decyph3r isn't as original as I though it was...

Yes from me. You spent time on the 150 words about yourself and it was well thought out. I think you could use some work on forum activity, but being in an active clan should help you out with that so I'm not worried. 1 more yes and you'll be invited.
_________________.( MindStorm )._________________
I'm the leader of this pretty cool clan called Apex.
IRC is love, IRC is life. Hit me up on the #Apex channel!
Wanna help feed my ego? Join my fan club!
Are you awesome? Apply for Apex.
Thank you guys so much. I honestly didn't know what to expect from this, you guys being ranked 20 in the leaderboards. i hope to better this clan during my time here, and will do my best to see that hope come to fruition.
Yes welcome to the clan. Go ahead and make an intro post on our main thread and read our clan info page.
_________________.( MindStorm )._________________
I'm the leader of this pretty cool clan called Apex.
IRC is love, IRC is life. Hit me up on the #Apex channel!
Wanna help feed my ego? Join my fan club!
Are you awesome? Apply for Apex.
I am applying to join Apex. I am a Blue Belt. I am pretty good and beat high level belts. Thanks for Reading This and I hope you accept.
I think he should get a lil more experience in toribash in game in forums overall before he gets accepted? ^... my opinion at least.
Name: HuntedPieG
Age: 14
Belt: Blue Belt
Forum Activeness: Everyday
Ingame Activeness: Everyday
Bans, Infractions, or Warnings: None
Past clans and why you left them: None
Anyone you know in this clan: I know Skittleman ingame but not real life
Why do you want this: I really love clan and I want to help your clan improve in anyway I can. I am also looking for a sense of teamwork.
Why should we want you: I practice a lot at every mod until I am pretty good at them and within mod rank 2000. I do this so that I am all around at any mod we would play.
Best mods: Aikido, Tplmodv12, Taido, ABD, and greykido
Worst mods: Parkour, Wushu, and Ninjitsu
At least 150 words about yourself: I am devoted to school and have many friends. I was talking with them one day when they told me about some Toribash game. So I downloaded and started playing in March. I loved the game from the minute I started playing and have never been bored since. The love I have for this is unlike any other. It does not consume me but it is a big part of my gaming life. I play all the time to get better and to have fun.
Thanks for reading this and I hope you accept me.
I joined in May sorry
Last edited by HuntedPieG; Jun 20, 2014 at 04:42 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump