your welcome zeann
sorry if i let u be angry or upset

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.
your real name :Christian
What is your belt? :Blue
How old are you? :11
In-game activity(1-5) :5
Forum activity:Computer all day
Why do you want to join this clan? :Cause I wanna be one of you guys.
What mod are you good at :Akido
What is your special talent :Singing
Why we must accept you :To be one of your clan.
I think it's a yes to me
Because u are forum activity
Zeann , what u vote , for me it's a yes because he said that he is forum activity
Last edited by Fire; Aug 7, 2013 at 02:59 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.
Originally Posted by Creepy123 View Post
your real name :Christian
What is your belt? :Blue
How old are you? :11
In-game activity(1-5) :5
Forum activity:Computer all day
Why do you want to join this clan? :Cause I wanna be one of you guys.
What mod are you good at :Akido
What is your special talent :Singing
Why we must accept you :To be one of your clan.

forum activity all days? why your forum rank still junior member
Thank you,
Best regards

All day i think that he mean browsing in the forum not post in the forum.
Sorry if my english is bad.
Your real name: Brandon
What is your belt: Blue
How old are you: 12
Ingame activity(1-5): 4
Forum activity(1-5): 3
Why do you want to join this clan: I really like it and I hope you'll accept me.
What mod you good at: Aikido
What is your Special Talent: Doing a high tackle by jumping from low ground.
Why we must accept you: I am a great fighter and I am learning exceptionally fast.
•You're bananas!
Your Real Name: Ilija What Is Your Belt: Black Belt How Old Are You: 14 Ingame Activity(1-5): 5 Forum Activity: 4 (i do check it everyday but i dont post alot). What Mod Are You Good At: Judo,aikido a little bit (i would love to represent the clan as a judo player in clan events). Why Do You Want To Join This Clan:I have seen some of your members and i do think this clan is very good , and i am looking for one of those better clans , i am loyal , friendly... What Is Your Special Talent: Gaming Why We Must Accept You:Cause i belive i am worthy enough to join this clan! Add Some Replays: i do not do any replays (sorry)
Dubstep is my power , and killing is my sport
Your real name : Max
What is your belt : Green
How old are you : 12
Ingame activity(1-5) : 4
Forum activity(1-5) : 1
Why do you want to join this clan :because you guys seem really awesome and i think i might learn some stuff from you
What mod you good at : Akido, Judo (not the best), twinswords (less than judo), jousting and i haven't really tried much else
What is your Special Talent : ballance(at times), comebacks and looking awesome and deadly.
Why we must accept you :because i have an awesome name and i''m good at toribash
Add Some Replays :
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