Other: ryuu, wanna duel?
Me: *goes afk*
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Originally Posted by Felnin View Post
Should I put in here the screenshots of you and Nervau coming around to spawn the nword in the toribash chat and stuff? Should I remind you self that you're exacly what are you complaning about?

this isn't even what we're talking about lol, but yea sure if it makes u feel better go ahead and post some screenshots from 4 years ago

what i am saying is the game is bad for competitive and ppl have perverted this GAME into a gambling simulation, then come on and tell ppl they shouldn't enjoy the GAME how they want to because they're not junkies who need to farm virtual credits

and the funniest thing is the skill ceiling for replay makers is like 10x higher than the skill ceiling for duelers, u confuse toribash's high skill floor with a high skill ceiling

Originally Posted by Felnin View Post
Should I remind that you had to get into ur knees and beg for staff to unban ur account, regardless of your trashtalk and nonsense willing to bother people?

also did your hero swaves not do the exact same thing? did he not larp as a trans woman who enjoys and discusses kpop with the other trans women on this game solely to get unbanned? i certainly didn't go that far i said pwetty pwease with a cherry on top and was playing a chess game with fred in my ban appeal (he played a scandinavian)

Originally Posted by GHOSTFACEKILLAH View Post
Idk if you're being serious or not because no one has a bigger hate boner for Toribash staff than you do lol.

yeah i didn't like staff when i was getting banned for being an asshole lol
it's not like i didn't know i wasn't being an asshole, and it's not like i didn't know i was breaking the rules
i don't like a large majority of staff members on any internet community
(because i'm an internet troll) (natural enemy of the internet moderator)

i don't hate this game at all lol i've played it for like 10 yrs and have mostly fond memories, but none of them are dueling and i know u and every other dueler will say the exact same thing

tell me this is a healthy way to enjoy a video game

literally crying over 250 tori credits man
not even a fraction of a penny

Originally Posted by GHOSTFACEKILLAH View Post
People come here from the wacky markiplier shit. They stay here for the multiplayer. Otherwise this game would be long dead.

yeah people do come here for the wacky shit, then like .1% of them stay for the multiplayer
this game's playerbase is stagnating, just because the same 40 people have played for five years doesn't mean the game is alive and well
Last edited by Icky; Jun 14, 2022 at 08:41 PM.
That screenshot made me cringe hard enough to concede my argument. GGs.

I also have zero defense for Swaves' ban. Rest in pepperonis that guy.
Last edited by skizz; Jun 14, 2022 at 06:30 PM. Reason: btw, "JUNKIES"? WHY I OUGHTA!!!!!!!!
most civil toribash discussion
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Originally Posted by GHOSTFACEKILLAH View Post
That screenshot made me cringe hard enough to concede my argument. GGs.

I also have zero defense for Swaves' ban. Rest in pepperonis that guy.

atleast dude did get 44kk, thats something
I understand punishing for bug exploits, but was it really necessary to sink all his TC, which took god knows how long to make, over a unknown bug which didnt really harm anyone.
I lost a first to 5 duel in ABD 5-0 vs Fred now i have to use this shitty signature for a month
As good as you are, I don't understand why you live in a world where you think this video game is built for the singular purpose of making money off dueling. You speak as if dueling is the only game mode that should exist and anyone who does not willingly partake in dueling is inferior to you.

A bug is usually an error left in, that developers had missed out by accident. For a player to abuse this giving them an added advantage whilst disadvantaging other players is punishable universally, across all gaming platforms, worldwide. I've observed this happening continually in COD, APEX, Valorant, CSGO, Warframe and every game I've practically played. This is not a novel case up for debate.

What you're saying is if I were to break some world record or be someone of significance, I could just do anything without repercussion because I deserve a free pass. This isn't how the real world works.

I feel we're all too serious about this,
Originally Posted by avenue View Post

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[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot