Original Post
Fun Opener Challange 2
So, here's the 2nd FOC event, bringing you another epic prize and stuff.


Edit the provided replay from the 470 frame.


1. This sexy underwear groin texture that will drive the ladies crazy!

2. Err, bragging rights?
3. Same as above, but not as much :u


1 week from this post

No replay hacking ( except changing the self damage and frame-limit)
No moving uke
No stealing other entries
1 entry for each person ( can be changed anytime though)

Have fun!
Attached Files
FOC 2.rpl (11.2 KB, 86 views)
Wip, too lazy to finish it, perhaps tomorrow.

Finished, it sucked a bit.
Attached Files
Milk - 30.rpl (220.1 KB, 17 views)
Last edited by Milk; Oct 18, 2011 at 05:12 PM.
parai com activamento de coutinho decunfiado com estraça que brila enquanto rebolade de carro do pinto do nada

So now the event ended. Here are the lucky winners:

1st place - LargeKilla
2nd place - Daxx
3rd place - Milk

Thanks to everybody who participated, I'll post the FOC 3 in a short bit and I'll send Large the sexy underwear now.