im back from a MUCH TIME without there are a new replay
#victortb - s - g away.rpl

#victortb - s - keep up 1.rpl
Last edited by victortb; Oct 4, 2015 at 12:32 AM.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
hello vic xD

g away: the opener is generic :/ but the kick is very cool, the speed is good.
the pose is weird, try use your lumbar next time, lumbar is a helpfull joint in the pose time.

keep up: hehe great replay, the opener is not bad, not good... neutral. The kick is cool, nice decap and the pose... hehehe bye bye head xD. nice.
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
focused: the opener is very simple, but the DMs are pretty cool and well aimed man the pose is good.

forkae3: the opener is slow now, but again the DMs are very cool. xD i like the BayBlade Torso
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
ok so the opener is pretty twitchy and a bit funky which is cool. the lift is good but throughout the whole replay you seem jumpy. the decap is good and so is the split.

work on the pose and your movement inbetween the hits.
hugger: holy shit xD.

Opener was basically the same as any self split opener.launched towards uke though

Nice dms. lots of booms lots of good stuff

Too many self dms though, and most of them were useless. Except the head one.

Nice 8.5/10
~ Ray-den
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