Original Post
Tasks of the Week!
*Competition Ended*
Tasks of the Week - Week 4 (is over)!

Brief explanation
- At the start of each week, 6 tasks will be assigned by me, the Taskmaster.
- Complete the tasks to win points.
- At the end of each week, scores will be updated.
- The competition will last 4 weeks, unless a consensus vote for a longer period occurs.
- At the end of the competition, the top 5 will be awarded prizes accordingly:

1st prize: 80k goes to GrayveXP
2nd prize:50k goes to BRvitroBR
3rd prize: 30k + Full Orc goes to Dragoblade
4th Prize: 24k + Full Chronos goes to ilasaigues
5th Prize: 16k + Full Gladiator goes to Dragenon
6th prize: Pat on the back goes to caelquinn xD

Last edited by caelquinn; Feb 15, 2010 at 02:23 PM.
Originally Posted by caelquinn View Post
Pics or.. - Can you explain this picture to me? I dont quite understand it.

oh... I just realized that animated gifs don't work when you attach them...
here's the animated version:
sorry for the inconvenient!

ps: i like the poll idea.
[RAID] | [T3AL] | [FLG]
I won't be active in-forums or in-game until 4.0 comes out.
Originally Posted by BRVitorBR View Post
I Updated my tasks!


- Removed some players
- Added new players
- Updated score table

Congrats to BRVitorBR for a 100%
What do you mean by Parkour task? :P

I dont think any of the tasks are related to Parkour, unless you wanted to make a parkour Mod for 'I made a mod!', or you wanted to do some Parkour for 'Motivational Slacker'?

There are no alternatives accepted, you must complete the tasks in order to get the points!
im almost done with my tasks...sorry for the delay
hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.
Getting Involved:

Motivational Slacker:

I usually do things immediately but hadn't done this yet:
Made a badass Free Rider track
-1i,1e,-1j,-6g -1n,-6o,69,-1h -1k,1e,-1e,1j -1l,1i,-1l,4i -1l,4i,2k,4n 3f,-3f,-1h,-2h -1i,1i,1i,1i 2c,48,3,1k 31,1m,31,1r 2a,41,76,2a 2k,4m,7b,2i 75,2b,9p,p 9p,p,cd,-1d cd,-1d,eh,-34 eh,-34,f2,-3d f1,-3d,fs,-3b fq,-3c,h5,-14 h4,-16,iv,2b iv,2b,lp,5e lp,5e,ot,62 ot,62,10m,56 10m,56,14v,1m 10n,73,10n,57 14c,7u,10o,74 152,6e,11g,4g 152,1l,154,6f 153,1k,14h,21 184,7r,14c,7u 187,1l,1a8,5b 185,1p,186,54 182,1r,188,1k 182,7p,18d,87 184,7q,17t,7q 17t,7q,1in,h8 1a5,5a,1ao,5c 1an,5c,1fi,92 1fg,8v,1ie,c0 1f4,e4,1ko,f1 1ie,c0,1it,cc 1kp,f1,1t3,jj 1t3,jj,24o,lm 24o,lm,26n,lb 26n,lb,26o,rb 281,la,280,rb 283,lb,2gc,l9 2gb,l9,2mf,n8 2mf,n8,2q5,ok 2q5,ok,2t0,q3 2t0,q3,2vv,s6 2vv,s6,32o,vd 32o,vd,33k,10o 33k,10o,353,12d 353,12d,39s,142 39s,142,3ac,13t 3ac,13t,3ap,13k 3ap,13k,3b6,138 3b5,138,3cg,12t 3cg,12t,3e8,13u 3e8,13u,3ea,14j 3ea,14j,3gp,154 3gp,154,3kt,15f 3kt,15f,3mp,14o 3mq,14n,3ni,13o 3ni,13o,3ot,13s 3ot,13s,3r7,14q 3r7,14q,3se,167 3se,167,3vh,15e 3vh,15e,40m,16m 40p,1d8,3us,1fb 3us,1fb,3uj,1j1 3uj,1j1,40o,1md 40m,16m,40p,1db 40o,1md,48e,1l5 43i,14e,43g,1ej 43g,1ei,43i,1g5 43i,1g5,48n,1g8 44g,1lo,48s,1j9 48v,1kv,47r,1l7 48p,1g7,4cq,1eh 48s,1j9,48v,1kv 48u,1kr,496,1pg 48s,1kh,499,1kh 499,1kh,48v,1le 493,1nv,49c,1li 49c,1li,499,1q4 494,1p1,49l,1u5 49f,1rd,49j,1kj 49c,1ra,49b,1rh 49b,1rh,49j,1r4 4ao,1iv,4ak,1kv 4ap,1iq,4ep,1j0 4a7,1pk,4al,1kl 49j,1kj,4a0,1r5 4af,1lv,4aa,1kp 4aa,1kp,4aj,1l4 4ak,1ke,4a3,1k1 4a3,1k1,4ao,1k3 4aa,1nt,49u,1lb 49u,1lb,4a3,1qt 4a8,1p3,49l,1u5 4cp,1ed,4fp,1hg 4fp,1hg,4ek,1j0 4ed,1ph,4em,1is #57,2g fc,-3m 126,3r 16l,v 1k4,dl 28c,kv 2fq,ks 3cj,127 421,19h 428,1ls 49j,1i1 4cv,1if
Just go to and click the folder, then paste the code in.

I'll add more tasks in soon-ish.
Flame Shop
Proud Member of Atlantic etc.
Well done insanecake, nice to see another active player! Mrkotaro will be posting his tasks soon too :]