faggot1 esp US, fagot [ˈfægət]
n 1. a bundle of sticks or twigs, esp when bound together and used as fuel
2. (Engineering / Metallurgy) a bundle of iron bars, esp a box formed by four pieces of wrought iron and filled with scrap to be forged into wrought iron
3. (Cookery) a ball of chopped meat, usually pork liver, bound with herbs and bread and eaten fried
4. a bundle of anything

vb (tr) 1. to collect into a bundle or bundles
2. (Clothing, Personal Arts & Crafts / Knitting & Sewing) Needlework to do faggoting on (a garment, piece of cloth, etc.)
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard

Anyways, people calling others gay is an ancient practice, and if used in a manner genuinely meant/thought to offend, shows a horrid lack of brains, bordering the downright criminal. Don't take those people seriously, but rather troll them. They're extremely funny when angry. :'D
You should probably be a liiiittle bit careful with that in real life though. There's no monitor to ward off fists there.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by pinkwaffles View Post
Gay means happy.

in the present day, gay no longer means happy in any context other than referring to previous meanings of the word.
Originally Posted by pinkwaffles View Post
Gay means happy.

Why is a teen complaining about someone calling him gay? Isn,t this like elementary school type shit?

well, it does. but it doesnt apply to calling a person gay. the gay is happy thing only applies to items such as shirts or posters.
Originally Posted by JayStar View Post
People call others "gay" as an insult. Absentmindedly assuming that "gay" would be equivalent to an insult. People (some not even gay) take offense to this. I personally don't see why it's a big deal. I don't have a problem with the gay community but I also don't have a problem calling someone gay just because I dissagreed with them. Society is too soft, and needs to quit whinning about every small detail.

Those are the people who use gay as an insult. I get called gay all the time, winning in tournies and stuff. The noob scolds me for being gay, and if I'm offended by that, I'm mean and blatantly stupid as well as the noob. Usually when that happens I just say "So what..."
previously known as Lopsin
I dont really know what to say about this if im perfectly honest.
Being gay myself, it really doesnt bother me that much when people use it in general conversation 'thats gaaaay' etc. i have had far worse directed at me by a long way.
Originally Posted by Numbaonah View Post

That shit is beyond homophobic,people should stop doing this.

A idiot called me a "Faggot" when I disagreed with him about something.

get used to it, faggot.