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The Event Squad is Recruiting!

Hey friends! The Event Squad is looking for new and active members to shine light in the form of events upon the community once more!

What’s the job of an Event Squad Member?

I’m glad you asked! The primary goal of the Event Squad is to keep the community entertained. There are many ways we do this, some of our favorites are hosting in-game tournaments such as EVictories, EHotseats, and ETourneys. You may also catch us hosting larger scale forum events such as The 5.0 Series.

What does it take to become an Event Squad Member?

We’re looking for people who are enthusiastic, creative and active. Think ya’ got some awesome and interesting ideas for events? Then this is definitely the position for you. We need people who can brighten the monotonous day of the average Toribash user through new, dynamic and exciting events. At the same time you’ll be required to have some level of maturity and reliability. The Event Squad do have some power, so we’ll need to be able to trust the people we recruit.

Why join the Event Squad?

As an Event Squad Member, you’ll have one of, if not best platform to help the community. It’s also pretty dang fun. We all want to see Toribash grow, and you can play a large part in that just by doing your job. Having a direct hand in bringing smiles and excitement to hundreds of Toribash players is both an amazing privilege and a great responsibility. There really is nothing cooler than seeing someone super stoked about an event you spent weeks working on and perfecting.
Oh, we also have a neat little reward system for the special snowflakes of the team who are doing well.

Well that sounds all fun and dandy, but how do I apply?

Well that’s simple! All you have to do is send in a free form application to any member of the Event Squad.
Please make sure to include your timezone and any languages you're fluent in! The rest of the application is up to you. Although, you may want to take a look at this wonderful little tutorial written by Dargon.

You’ll have two weeks from this post to send in your application, that means all applications must be sent in by May 30th, 2016. Discussion will take place an indefinite period of time after that. And please keep in mind, we’ll be reading through and discussing every application that comes through so this process may take some time. There is no limit on the amount of ES we’re willing to take on, in actuality it’s more the merrier as long as everything is done properly.

Last edited by millie; May 16, 2016 at 09:24 AM.

Originally Posted by Apollo View Post
Are people going to be Notified when the people have been picked?

Thats pretty much how it works, they will give you notice if you make it in, they will start picking on the 30th by the sounds so if you don't receive anything in a month or two after that then it's a good bet you haven't been picked.
I'm the Event Squad Admin. I am also an ex-Clan Squad member. Have any questions about clans or otherwise? PM me.


Discord: Typhus#0201
splish splash Aeon is still trash
My question, what if someone were to apply and is something that the esquad wants, BUT someone else more *popular* were to apply?
Who would get the position?
popularity has nothing to do with it, really

the only thing popularity could really help someone with whilst applying is us knowing more about them so we have more to go off whilst judging

one second i have a question: If you wanna do a event beeing a part of the event squad the forum gives the rewards to winners or the event maker needs to put his own tc?
#im a legend/CLEN best clan ever/animations and tb fights
Question, why aren't users notified if they are not accepted? I feel like they have a right to know if they have been accepted or not, it's kind of rude to leave them hanging in my opinion. But, i'm sure there is a reason, and that is why I am asking the question I'm sure other players have thought of this before, hopefully this will clear it up :P
you're on thin ice, pal