Originally Posted by Humper View Post
I'm sorry, I cannot change effects that others may find 'awesome' just because it hurts one person's eyes. I am just saying what I do not like in your video. And I do not mean to be a douche at all, just saying that others found it a good idea and I'm taking decisions by the majority of the opinions. Thats good, no problem bro. If you are wondering why I told you this, it's just so you won't question yourself for me not doing anything to the blur and think I am a fuckface. Why so much hate on yourself, mm? I am just telling you what I did not like in it. I like it overall, tho those 2 things I did not like :-)
Finally, someone that understands what I was going for. The reason why people don't like this video so much is because this is something fairly new and people usually hate new, I tried not to be generic and do what everyone else mostly (meaning there are exceptions) does. For me it looks like you only accept >good< opinions on your actual video. Take clips, slap them on, sync or not even that. The RGB splits were introduced just so it matches the singer's style and the genre of the music, not expecting people to actually understand, but oh well.

also, listen only to majority, listen to all the opinions. Hope to see more videos :-)
Originally Posted by Humper View Post
That means things will change throughout the process of making the video. All I want for know are some sincere opinions, because I'm pretty rusty at editing.

Mocucha, thanks for your comment, but I wasn't going for the replays to necessarily match the music's velocity.

Hope I made -some- things clear.

You want sincere opinion, I think a video who fit with the music's velocity make a good video.

My Youtube channel : Mocucha Toribash

You do a really good job using effects while still letting me see the actual replay. However, I always watch these in fullscreen and it left me with seeing lights, ohboi. Personally, I don't like the whole "no color except for when i want to flash it on the screen for a split second". I FUCKING LOVE THESE TRANSITIONS THOUGH OKAY BYE.

tell me next time you make a video so i can post repleys ; u ;
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

All I want for know are some sincere opinions

Comments such as 'too many effects' or 'not synced' will be ignored

you do realize you just contradicted yourself here

this whole video gave me a headache, i had to go and grab some ibuprofen

who's replays are they? too much contrast, overused effects and too much vignette shows nothing and the replays don't make sense because i'm paying too much attention to your shit effect placement and 'sync' (protip, syncing isn't adding random effects whenever a peak in the waveform hits)

this is a lame overedit disguised in lame sony vegas effects and lame syncing as something potentially better than it really is

how about instead of denying everyone's advice you actually fucking take it

please never do anything like this ever again

shmevin eats smegma
Originally Posted by boStaff View Post
who's replays are they? too much contrast, overused effects

Hours, spryrtryne, maybe pr0ne.
You seem to have a really shitty attitude towards art, I'm sorry about your seeing problem.

Anyway, I think the video is pretty good so far. It is true that there are a lot of
affects, and perhaps in my taste the brightness/darkness thing is a little extreme,
but for what you are doing you are doing pretty well.
wow that
Originally Posted by boStaff View Post
you do realize you just contradicted yourself here

this whole video gave me a headache, i had to go and grab some ibuprofen

who's replays are they? too much contrast, overused effects and too much vignette shows nothing and the replays don't make sense because i'm paying too much attention to your shit effect placement and 'sync' (protip, syncing isn't adding random effects whenever a peak in the waveform hits)

this is a lame overedit disguised in lame sony vegas effects and lame syncing as something potentially better than it really is

how about instead of denying everyone's advice you actually fucking take it

please never do anything like this ever again


You do realize you are one of the worst people alive on this fucking planet. You have no idea what art is and yet still have the audacity to talk shit.

Do you fucking think this is advice you are giving me? No, this is the result of you having no kind of education and getting your hands on a keyboard. I don't even know why you are allowed to post in such threads, because it's clear you are a moronic arrogant individual. You come here hurt telling me my video sucks, you might as well just go on YouTube and dislike everything, because obviously you are no more than a failure.

You are obviously jealous I can actually do something with Sony Vegas instead of adding two flashes when the beat drops.

And that part with the ibuprofen is the most retarded shit I've ever heard, come with better replies.

Go kill yourself, thanks.

And this is why we cannot have nice things, and I usually give up.
I play games and lift weights.
What the fucking fuck, this is an art fucking board. You're taking ignorance and arrogance to a whole new level. You ask for sincere opinions and then violently reject them when they don't "understand" what ever artistic views you are trying to convey.

No, Humper. This is not a new and fantastic video. It's still replays with a crap load of effects and debatable sync. You said, "Comments such as 'too many effects' or 'not synced' will be ignored".

Why are they being ignored. That is exactly like saying, "Listen, I know there are obvious flaws in the video, and I've seen that not many people like effect-whoring, but please ignore that and tell me what you like about the video"
Which is fine, generally. But it's not fine when you furiously defend your below-average video and it's flaws.

Your absolutely shitty attitude aside, I quite like the video. I love the music and I like where you're going with the effects and matching the song and that atmospherey talk, because they are sort of getting there, but honestly piling effects is not the way to go. Keeping it minimal has always worked for me.

Transitions seem lagged, and again I can't see the actual replays too clearly due to the effects, which I always hate. I suggest lowering the effect count while still trying to maintain the same kind of grungy atmosphere, just to heighten clarity and quality. I'd like to see the finished version.


My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? haven't got one.
Originally Posted by Humper View Post
You have no idea what art is and yet still have the audacity to talk shit.

Could you enlighten us on what is art?

My Youtube channel : Mocucha Toribash

Never fucking mind.

I'll keep the videos only for myself and other viewers, I'll stop posting my videos on forums like this because the vast majority of the community is simply retarded, you can't do something without getting shouted at. I don't want to deal with this.

Few know how constructive criticism works.

I play games and lift weights.