my mom thinks its a weird game, and she refers it too Bash, or Sumthing Bash, etc. I showed a couple replays and she was like wtf? thats just gross, cuz i have blood on and i show here how i decapped uke...lolz but she doesnt care what i do, and my dad, well he doesnt live with me put if he did he would probably have me teach him. And i would pwn him...lolz

Ohh and i Lold at liquidooms post and Tekros...those two were funny
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
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Originally Posted by Umbre View Post
Why would you let him on the forums? Its safe if he makes it safe.

Also my parents think it is to addicting for me so they try get me off it as much as possible, but I just get a lock on my door and hit the headphones.

Omg! Just like me! BTW guys this is Lopsin here on my cousin's account :3 My mom always yells at me for playing and blames EVERYTHING on Toribash. For example, let's say I'm not hungry, don't eat dinner, then later I'm hungry, she's gonna blame that on Toribash.
My mom also thinks that toribash is going to take up all of my internet bandwidth.
Then I play for 8 hours and show her only 3 percent is gone from the daily allowance.
My parents don't know what this is, If they don't see any naked women on the screen they don't worry.
High quality avatars and signatures 5k each or 7k for bundles.
Originally Posted by ad3556 View Post
My parents don't know what this is, If they don't see any naked women on the screen they don't worry.

My dad plays it with me on Singleplayer.

My mom hardly knows it exists.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
my dad actually has an account in 2008 named MrSly, we played a mp match and he's like "dis is coo shit but i gotta go back to my work at Yahoo"
my sons 12 and the reasons i wont let him on the forum is sometimes the content isnt in my opinion suitable. yes he has probably seen it all before doesnt mean im happy about it though lol. also as i was an smod ive removed plenty of very unsuitable stuff that i would be really gutted about him seeing if it had been missed.
Go check my myspace
They let me play and see the forum as long as I don't see a naked girl and this game doesn't make me lazy to study, etc.

My dad ever tried to play once, but he didn't really understand how to play.