i'm just here for the elitism

all my favourite players that didn't die with bncy or join a different clan are in NO
(20:01:05)~veb loves Kenny
For me it would have to be the people and as dark horse said it's like a second family, i've run my clan The Lucky Ones for almost 2-3 years, i may not have many active members/friends or even members that care, but i still love each and every one of my members, it hurts when i have to kick them but sometimes i do, so basically i love the friends/ the people/ the brand new people i meet/ it also brings a lot of joy to me, i also think i'm still on toribash because of clans, i mean of course i love the community the goals and everything else, but it's just where i spend most my time, even if it's pointless, it's also teaching me quite alot, i remember when i was a noob and didn't care much for toribash, and now i've been here for almost 2-3 years.
For me, it's just to hang out with cool people to chill with in-game or in the forums, and hopefully to make your clan into a big group of great players or a family.

but since it's (apparently) difficult to become official, it makes it hard to become a big group of great players or a family.