love the honesty face fur also saber i like you too and ive meet both of you in game so

meow mai doods

Hey,My name is Ceazar and my ingame is slayer500. Made my account back in 2012 played until black belt then i forgot my pass, asked for a new one didn't get it so i left the game for years until november 3rd when my mac decided to spew up the password email and i got back to playing. favorite mods are ones where you start off close and are in ring. (stuff like sparring and parkour i suck at.) Normally i play a lot of games on the ps4, but almost everyday i put some time into this game.

-i love kittens
Ily <3
My name in game is iiXBIT. I'm a person who very much likes videogames and I would say my favorite mod is parkour/normal fighting. I did have a alternate account but I forgot what it was and the password. But why would I tell you the password? Toribash is a very fun game and I am very eager to join the clan. I also really love kittens I'm actually not kidding I love kittens SO MUCH. #LoveKittens
Hi my name is Kyle and ingame name healthyjew. I'm not actually a jew in real life but I'm actually healthy so keep that in mind.

I'm a pretty sick guy as you can tell already, I'm pretty good at all aikido mods including greykido. I've had an account long ago in 2009 named WealthyJew which was banned and deleted. what for? I forgot to be honest.

I love doggos bork bork

jk I love kittens
ok but you no liek duh kittehs das mean, imma invite you so i can kick your ass conveniently. unwelcome to VANIRGODZ (welcome to vanirgodz i invited you)
meow mai doods

Hello, the account that I will be using is SwingNeck, but I used to go by Tkswag or Narkat. I used to be one of the best akido/akidobigdojo players in the game as well as rk mma, and was rank 45 consistently at my peak I. I have been in clans but they are inactive since I have come back to playing the game after a year and a bit. but I am coming back for good and would love a new clan to support and help grow. I hope you take my app into consideration and thank you for your time .
my main account is markskaggs I had another but I forgot the password. I play almost every day. I check and post a lot. Ive never been banned. I like parkour, mushu, wushu, aikido, and any other fun mod I can find. I like making mods but my settings are messed up right now. and I wanna join because I like the people in it.