Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Black Sabbath doesn't suck because they had originality and they didn't try to over do things although Iommi did used the devils chords a lot

Originally Posted by Conjurer View Post
Megadoomer I am very observant with my ears. with years of tuning my ears and listening under-produced albums. Riffs aren't the only thing. As I said the vocals and the riffs and the weird effects. The drumming is alright, but not cool in anyway.

You just attempted to diss every drum beat/drummer ever. I hope you realised what you attempted. Also, Some of the best guitarists play metal.

On another repeating note, your opinion is your opinion. Not ours.
Why are you telling me that some of the best guitarists are in metal? You would think I already know because I do. And I can name plenty of better drummers than the ones that play metalcore, screamo if there is hardly a difference, metalcore, and anything of that sort. I have my favorites of every instrument that is used in metal. I said alright not that they are shit. So, tell me how did I diss every drummer when I'm talking about metalcore and anyhting of that sort?
Originally Posted by Conjurer View Post
Megadoomer I am very observant with my ears. with years of tuning my ears and listening under-produced albums. Riffs aren't the only thing. As I said the vocals and the riffs and the weird effects. The drumming is alright, but not cool in anyway.

You should be here for history because you obviously don't know much about metal. Like seriousy I see you know much about the 60s and 70s and probably before that, but you know little of the metal of the 80s and early 90s.

example: "Oh, you listen to black sabbath! Black sabbath is the worst band ever! You suck because you listen to Black Sabbath"

Horrible example. I gave reasons that was a youtube comment.

Ok, you mention training your ears and stuff. Are you a musician? Have you ever played a musical instrument? If not, then you really have no right talking about anything being easy or difficult since you would have no first hand experience with it.

edit: also, the reason that lots of styles are repeated in the genre is because they are liked by the fans. Thats the reason any band/genre is successful.

Now you have your opinions and we have ours, but trying to argue with a biased opinion such as your isnt helping you convince us.
Last edited by Gum; Jul 17, 2009 at 01:58 AM.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
yo i like Rap and Metal... but i like it better when its combined, Theres nothin wrong with Avenged Sevenfold.. its actually a great band dude
[10:19] <~Tim> Why the fuck not, I'm insane :D
[12:06] <~Tim> Frost-Dragon: I bet you're sexy
Well if you play guitar, you must know that stuff like the harmonic minor is used because it is a sound that is more pleasing to the ear than some other types of chords.

More pleasing to the ear=more possible listeners

more possible listeners=more fans/money

Its quite simple really.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Of course I play an instrument. That's a dumb question to ask gumfighter. I would have no opinions on the instruments if I didn't. I play Guitar, Piano, Trumpet, and Drums. I'm not that great at the other instruments other than guitar. Been playing for 2 years and I can say I can make some stupid metalcore song improcising over the harmonic minor or the melodic minor. Hahaha, that's one reason why bands are shit these days. All for the money. It's quite sad because they all sold out and I think we all can agree on that.
Well, my post above was a response to when you originally posted that and then deleted it.

About it being a stupid question, you wouldn't believe the number of non-musicians who have an opinion on this kind of stuff even though they know nothing. Also there is no such thing as a stupid question ;P

Please post an example of metal not destroyed by "melodicness" and some metal that was "destroyed" by it.

Also, try to not pick something from the genre of melodic metal since that is separate from metal as a whole.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Well, that's difficult because it wasn't just a some point. It was done over time. Thrash Metal suffered, Death Metal suffered the two main genres of metal other than NWOBHM and Heavy Metal. I think it was when carcass turned melodic in the 90s So i'm gonna say it was during 92-95.
Check out Kreators new album Chaos Hordes I think it's called. Then check out their first album one example of thrash destroyed by melodicness. I can't tell what wasn't effected. That's too hard.
Also I got infracted by an idiot who thought I called him a retard. When I clearly said that he wasn't unless I was infracted by saying my opinions. Not on this thread though. It was that BrokeNCYDE one. The queer ass band that I actually gagged when I saw the video that the guy posted. I was complete and utterly disgusted beyond the most horrifying dreams that any mortal can have. I wanted to just... I don't even know. I just kind of lost hope for metal in the future. It seems that every good thing must come to an end.
Last edited by Conjurer; Jul 17, 2009 at 02:19 AM.