Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by usimm View Post
What about you, SlyBash?

My day has been going fine, except my main comp crashed and I lost my phone.
But w/e.

Originally Posted by dalir View Post
And how is your day treating you?

see above
Last edited by SlyBash; Apr 5, 2011 at 02:51 AM.
We're in the middle of moving houses since my step mom died a couple months ago and we can no longer afford the house. Dad's been looking at houses, most of them are a different high school than I go to now. I don't do any of my homework so I get C's and D's in my classes. Failing physics because he gives a lot of homework, and it's complicated to me. Every other class I get a bad grade because I'm lazy and get an A on the tests but only do 1 or 2 assignments. I constantly worry about my grade but I still don't do my homework, I'm thinking about it today, though. I got home and ate some food then I got heartburn and slept for a couple hours, still have heartburn. I enjoyed my 3d class at school today, was learning spline modeling. The teacher is a /b/tard and browses reddit/imgur/meme base in class all day. Was eating sun flower seeds and JUST now pushed the cup over the ledge of my desk

So overall things are going good besides spit sunflower seeds all over my floor.
I got a car, $100, graduated, moved out and now I live in cardboard box. I don't even have a job.
Meow, I am quite a cat these days.
Even though no one knows me, I know more about them than they know of me.
Lol. Life fucken blows. Failing grades (IDK! any suggestions? i have literally no drive to do my school work! Most people have all the motivation they need for school...i do not. I just feel a disinterest in all of school). I dont get enough hours on my minimum wage job. I am intelligent, but because of my lack of personal drive i dont utilize myself to the fullest of my capabilities.
Redbull Gave Me Wings
Originally Posted by usimm View Post
Working in what sort of business? sounds interesting. Also, congratulations!

Sorry I couldn't expand on that, I was on my cell phone. I was called up by my old boss lady from Dollar General and she offered me the Assistant Store Manager job. I never even asked or inquired or hinted about anything. So I was definitely happy. Looks good on a resume. Pay kind of sucks though. Damn $9/hr.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Meh. i was woken up, refused to leave bed for approx. ten mins. ate bfast, got on my dsi xl (which i use for interwebs when i secretly stay up late or cant use compy) for some forumming on tbash, got on bus, chatted with bus driver, got to school, chatted with my friend, went to class etc. got home, did hw, got on modded xbox, got off xbox, had dinner, got on ds for tbash forumming, at 10, got on ds for more tbash forumming, and here i am at 11:40. yippee.
Last edited by Slymash; Apr 5, 2011 at 08:43 AM.
my ears are full of shrek
Just grabbed an apple, fcking hungry.
I will not study for school this week (because it is the final week of the 2nd semester) so i am drawing stuff, making some anatomy studies for drawing.
I will now read The Immortality by Milan Kundera and chill a bit.

School was boring because there is nothing to learn this week, since teachers have nothing to teach at the end of the semester.
pretty good, didn't get any homework.
A short day at school.
I had a great dinner.

pretty much it.
Call me lLlLlLlLl because I spit straight bars when i rap or call me $tr8B@rz