idk why i waited this long, but bump

I really did enjoy the compliment, but there's no way my replays are without fault. Real criticism would be really nice, so I can figure out what to improve on =)
Be warned, @#w#@. They are coming.
I watched these replays and i gotta say i am truely impressed!

Medium Rare really has a unique style of movement, especially in the parts where you dont smash uke.
Swift has one of the coolest knee dms i ever saw.

But what really made me go :O was Morningside.
What can i say... If you dont look at how you got damage on your own head
(thats something i dont like, not even in madmans)
its a 10/10 replay.
Epic DM's, sick tricking and reaching a speed of over 62.
Thats just insane!
evil Führer of Evil
hey it's flunked
if you are back on toribash add me on discord at DRZALOST#5178.... please.ed......


your style hasn't really changed even though you haven't really played for a couple of years
opener was pretty neat other than the cork being kind of lopsided / however you would describe that
first punch was pretty neat, but after that wasn't too good
what probably would have worked better was if you punched harder and spun after it with your left leg instead of just turning around once

also yeah ....... let's .... catch ... up...
i'm a nomad
a roaming douchebag

can't tell if anything other than the first kick is worth keeping
Attached Files
Be warned, @#w#@. They are coming.
nevermind i'm just dumb.
so i'm gonna CnC the V2 because why not.
So first off opener.
Its the type of generic mushu opener which we all know and love, the execution of it was smooth. But i'm a guy, who doesn't like relaxed wrists. I know it effects how uke moves, it just makes it look untidy for some reason. You got some noice momentum there from the opener, and you can tell by the ghosting you did on that split kick. Which was nice.
So overall what you're gonna get from me is simply.
1. Try and hold your wrist
2. Try and make more creative openers

Onto the next part which was the destruction itself.
I'm digging that kick that i just mentioned. The ghosting was killer in my opinion and that kick had power, power enough to make that lumbar fly to heaven, and i don't mind the grab dismemberment but you could've tried to boom the crotch or something but that ok. I don't know if you actually used the hip of uke to get a surface to decap. Did you actually used that? If yes that was a nice touch. And the transition to grab uke's torso was good. And the fact that you kept your spin after the elbow dm was awesome, the kick was a bit flunky though. It didn't look like it had power.

Overall sweet replay mang.
And welcome back
Last edited by Rajen; Dec 27, 2017 at 12:18 PM.
hey freidn
still flunked

add me on discord freidn opus#5178

i'm confused, honestly
you seem like you don't make a replay once a year, good shi++ shit+, but rather More than that! On the opposite end of the spectrum!
not many applicable criticism units i can send your way, not much going on in these and i'm too tired to nitpick your replay enough
Last edited by Demon; Dec 28, 2017 at 04:22 AM.