OK guys and my best friend imd i can only get my clan official if we have a clan war so imd get 3 of your best men adn my clan adn your clan will fight in three mods Judo Wushu and kickboxing ok im sry i had to tell u adn the winner will just win cause we do so xIMDx the best of luck bro?
wish you the best of luck with this, xIMDx.
<DjPz> I don't expect to have sex with the dolphins every time I visit them
Ok IMD i got it we can do the war like this u make the time we fight and ill do this we get four ppl counts

like this follow mine
u choose one person for JUDO,KICKBOXING,WUSHU
1 for 3 rounds of each
me and u will have a round of each mod see it owrks so u choose the time we do it have my 4 ppl so bro the best of luck
Well, I am here to say that I am here too.
Clan leader recruited me and I just want to give a sign of life.

Heh, I couldn't find clan server again so I found this thread.
Nothing more to say.

Ouch, I am from Poland and I don't have any favourite mod ATM.