Get your band members sorted out first. Then decide the name with them.
If you decide on a name, and your band members don't like it, you'll probably have to change it again.

My $0.02 :P
[A L P H A]
Originally Posted by phail View Post
If you were trying to be awesome you'd call it the Fraudulent Cripples.

It could be called Fraudulent Nipples.
Member [o]f Incognito
Off topic - what instrument do you play?
I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
Okay first off what kind of music do you play?

If lighter pop stuff call your band Jesus Crusher, Bleeding Stab Wound, Deathlord, or something of the sort.

If death metal, screamo, or any subgenre ending in -core, try something like Gelatin Pie, Pink and Blue, Keep Smiling, or similar.

Honestly, a band name is one of those things you want to come up with amongst yourselves, it becomes more of a label than a name representing all of you as a whole if it's just some random ass thing someone on the internet came up with for you.

I say brainstorm with your bandmates and find one that really clicks, and if you insist on getting your band's name from complete strangers at least give us some info on you, hell, for all we know you guys play bright happy tunes and could be called 'The Rainbow Unicorns' or some shit.
I'm also starting a band, so I'll give yeh some names that we decided to throw away.

EverSin or FiveFagsOnAMission
This game is pretty cool man...