Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Ele View Post

Society is, and has been, becoming more tolerant. We're at a stage where we're accepting of people who disagree with their biological sex, and decide to change it (Bruce Jennar). Do you think we will ever be at a stage where we're accepting of people who disagree with their biological race?

So what are you saying? That at some future point it may become so normal for people to change themselves that if someone say, didn't want to be a African and decided to want to become hispanic they would (if technology and biology were to allow this) be able to get a surgery and become as such? because that is taking it a step to far. I know for a fact that some races are not something to be proud of but I do not believe that we need to have people, not just faking who they are but What they are. What this women has done has just officially stepped into that dangerous territory. Im ok with people questioning their sexuality, but their entire humanity.... is it really that serious? Also this is America you are talking about where after 200 years of no "officially tolerated" slavery people still have the balls to do hate groups and racial crimes and "under the table slavery" against all kinds of nationalities so there is quite literally "No where left to hide". I believe you should enjoy the uniqueness that the universe gave you. Next thing you know you will have people trying to defy biology and becoming something not human all together.
Last edited by Fates; Jun 18, 2015 at 06:37 PM.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
Why are you trying to tell other people what to do with their bodies? Do you disapprove of tattoos and hair dyeing too?
I have never heard anyone challenge that skin colour doesn't matter, but when someone goes ahead and changes their appearance it counts as disrespectful. I simply do not get this logic.
Originally Posted by darkexxod View Post
Even if you do change your skin color you can never be called a different race, lets say your born to an African American family, now because you were born to that family, your also born to a certain set of ancestors and there is no way to change there DNA or genes or Race, that is why trans-race can never be possible.

Uh, don't want to burst your bubble but we've all had African ancestors at some point. Why can't it be as simple as someone with black skin is black whether they were born that way or not?
Last edited by Lazors; Jun 18, 2015 at 08:32 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Question for you Pig. Do you support transgender reparative therapy?

No, as far as I know they are unscientific, it's just some people who think they can beat the trans out of the 'patients'. With proper treatment I think the disorder can be managed, but 'reparative therapy' is akin to trying to beat the dyslexia out of someone.

Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
I don't think this is relevant to the case. She chose to dress up as black for social reasons. It makes total sense to change your social attributes when the world fails to treat people equally. In Sweden your name might get filtered out if you have a foreign name. How would you deal with this? By staying proud and not conforming or by removing the label?

I don't think this is true. Some parts of the media are trying to frame it as 'white girl pretends to be black', but if you watch some interviews with her she really believes herself to be black.

It's not a case of "guy puts melons in his shirt to get free drinks at bar".

Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
In the case of transgender people, it's preferable to help the person rather than argue about whether it's a psychic condition or not. If transgender people weren't frowned upon the suicide rates might go down. If their dysphoria can be treated in a humane way, then we have a different argument, but one thing that certainly isn't helping is letting them go through abuse because of their disorder.

As previously discussed with others, mental illness rates in pre-GRS is high, and after GRS it is still high. As a demographic their mental illness rates are high either way. Simply telling people not to bully isn't going to stop them from being mentally ill. Abuse may well have caused the mental illness, and stopping abuse is always good, but if you are using trans as your demographic anyway, then they already have mental illness, so stopping the abuse isn't going to cure anything.

Dysphoria can be treated 'in a humane way' by talking to a therapist. Cutting off your dick is not a solution.

Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
Besides, there's always the possibility that their dysphoria was caused by gender stereotypes and similar.
Also this is assuming dysphoria is harmful to the person in question. Suicide rates might be society's responsibility and bipolarity might be treatable without interfering with the dysphoria. Keep in mind this is coming from someone who's not very knowledgeable on psychology.

Sure, what you say is possible. There are many people who feel that gender stereotypes are harmful. Some trans people may want to switch genders just because they feel like they fit in better elsewhere. It's a sad reality but it is probably true.

If so we should treat mental illness resulting from societal causes by reducing the emphasis on gender stereotypes, not by creating new ones. Identification with new labels just increases divisions between stereotypes. Nowadays a guy can't just be feminine, he must be gay. A woman can't be butch, she's a lesbian. This is not an improvement on the system.

Unfortunately we have to consider the entire climate of society, and with gender orientated movements like feminism, and race orientated movements like NAACP, it's hard to remove boundaries when people are trying so hard to enforce them.

Likewise, equality can't be achieved through homogeneity.

Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
I have never heard anyone challenge that skin colour doesn't matter

Really, because this whole story we are discussing is that a woman who changed her skin color is basically going to be fired because they discovered she isn't black. Now you might say that racist organisations like NAACP or KKK or whatever are an exception, but still it's certainly not unheard of even in today's day and age.

Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
Uh, don't want to burst your bubble but we've all had African ancestors at some point. Why can't it be as simple as someone with black skin is black whether they were born that way or not?

At one point human and dog genetics diverged, isn't it equally possible that someone might be born a dog-human?

Black/white/asian humans have evolved separately for more time than wolves and domesticated dogs have. I think everyone can tell the difference between a pug and a wolf, and they can acknowledge that no matter how many times pugs breed, you won't get a wolf. (Unless you do some very selective breeding over thousands of years)
Last edited by ImmortalPig; Jun 19, 2015 at 10:25 AM.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
People are not customization dolls. There's' just something's you don't have a choice in. The notion that you should have a choice in the way you're born Is not a smart one.

You are formed by the building blocks of life, a code that makes you unique. Yes everyone can claim they are "African" to some extent, but what happens when your Hispanic but want to be called Asian?
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
Why are you trying to tell other people what to do with their bodies? Do you disapprove of tattoos and hair dyeing too?
I have never heard anyone challenge that skin colour doesn't matter, but when someone goes ahead and changes their appearance it counts as disrespectful. I simply do not get this logic.

Uh, don't want to burst your bubble but we've all had African ancestors at some point. Why can't it be as simple as someone with black skin is black whether they were born that way or not?

There is actually a skeletal, muscular and anthropological difference between people of different races. I mean, have you ever seen bones?

The theory that humans came from a single spot in africa at the same time is pretty stupid, especially considering how many ape-like humanoids existed at that time period. Did aboriginals come from Africa with everyone else?(hint: no), which is why their skeletal features are unique when compared to just about every other race. Every single group of people that left Africa at a different period of time happens to have different skeletal features.

No, Genghis Khan was not a black man despite his ancestors many hundreds of thousands of years ago.

A labradoodle can want to be a german shepherd or a boxer all it wants, but it's not a reality.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
There is actually a skeletal, muscular and anthropological difference between people of different races. I mean, have you ever seen bones?

The theory that humans came from a single spot in africa at the same time is pretty stupid, especially considering how many ape-like humanoids existed at that time period. Did aboriginals come from Africa with everyone else?(hint: no), which is why their skeletal features are unique when compared to just about every other race. Every single group of people that left Africa at a different period of time happens to have different skeletal features.

No, Genghis Khan was not a black man despite his ancestors many hundreds of thousands of years ago.

A labradoodle can want to be a german shepherd or a boxer all it wants, but it's not a reality.

with all the theories of evolution one says about adaptation,
I dont remember exactly, but as the ages goes the race(Humans, not negroids) is changing comforming to the environment.
with millions of years of human existance, all is possible.
Dont tell me you believe god made all the exsitence?
Hyde's beliefs play no part in this discussion. The fact remains that there are distinct skeletal differences between all of the different races. This means that it is quite impossible to actually become another race. It is much easier to become a different sex. No amount of operations can switch out your skeletal structure. While there are skeletal differences between men and women, these differences are minor (the ones that come to mind are men having one less rib and women having wider pelvic bones). These skeletal differences dictate how the flesh around it grows, with the same applying to different races. It is easy to mistake a man and a woman when walking down the street, but it is impossible to mistake a white man for a black man, no matter how many times the white man goes tanning.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by dengue View Post
with all the theories of evolution one says about adaptation,
I dont remember exactly, but as the ages goes the race(Humans, not negroids) is changing comforming to the environment.
with millions of years of human existance, all is possible.
Dont tell me you believe god made all the exsitence?

The theory of evolution is not adaption. That's just plainly wrong.
This means that it is quite impossible to actually become another race. Iit ithat youch easier to become a different sex. No amount of operations can switch out your skeletal structure. While there are skeletal differences between men and women, these differences are minor (the ones that come to mind are men having one less rib and women having wider pelvic the es). These skeletal differeqoplnces dictate how the flesh around it grows, with the same applying to different races. It is easy to mistake a man and a woman when walking down the street, but it is impossible to mistake a white man for a black man, no matter how many times the white man goes tanning

See I don't get this. The discussion is about someone who fooled everyone into thinking she was black. Now the argument is that you can't dress up as black because of your bones. If you can't tell the difference anyway what's the point of caring about it? I know I would personally think nothing of someone whose skull looked a bit different, and even if I did, the same applies to trans people. Unless your argument is that the person himself would be dissatisfied with his bones.

I just don't get why the physical appearance of someone would matter so much. We're ok with tattoos, so I on't understand why the limit has to go here.
The theory that humans came from a single spot in africa at the same time is pretty stupid, especially considering how many ape-like humanoids existed at that time period. Did aboriginals come from Africa with everyone else?(hint: no), which is why their skeletal features are unique when. ompared to just about every other race. Every single group of people that left Africa at a different period of time happens to have different skeletal features.

Sure. I'm not arguing that there is genetical differences between races. There's genetic differences between everyone, but let's not go there. I don't see why it would be relevant to know someone's originalorigins except for medicinal purposes (referring mostly to blood type). Why would you care if someone "looks" black or white?
Originally Posted by darkexxod View Post
People are not customization dolls. There's' just something's you don't have a choice in. well, they obviously do. Unless you're talking about changing ing your bones around which isn't possible. Yet.
The notion that you should have a choice in the way you're born Is not a smart one.
you don't. You have the choice in what you're gonna look like after your birth. Or rather, after you are of legal age.

You are formed by the building blocks of life, a code that makes you unique. Yes everyone can claim they are "African" to some extent, but what happens when your Hispanic but want to be called Asian?
I believe that's what we're discussing. You've still not told me why you think this is different from tattoos or, to a degree, makeup.

so stopping the abuse isn't going to cure anything.

Dysphoria can be treated 'in a humane way' by talking to a therapist. Cutting off your dick is not a solution.

Not a cure, not a solution, but a comfort for someone who's ill and a bridge to people being more tolerant. Contemporary surgery is imperfect, but if it's possible to change gender, it will be proof that it doesn't matter. Also cutting your dick is not the same thing as swapping it for a functional vagina.
If so we should treat mental illness resulting from societal causes by reducing the emphasis on gender stereotypes, not by creating new ones. Identification with new labels just increases divisions between stereotypes. Nowadays a guy can't just be feminine, he must be gay. A woman can't be butch, she's a lesbian. This is not an improvement on the system.

Right. So, if a trans/homo behaves in a way that doesn't represent the stereotypes, the stereotypes might disappear altogether. (I know about the 'confirmqtion' psychological effect, just using this to say you don't have to go one way.
Last edited by Lazors; Jun 20, 2015 at 11:49 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
Not a cure, not a solution, but a comfort for someone who's ill and a bridge to people being more tolerant. Contemporary surgery is imperfect, but if it's possible to change gender, it will be proof that it doesn't matter. Also cutting your dick is not the same thing as swapping it for a functional vagina.

If someone is depressed and you hand them a gun, that's not problem solved. If someone is hearing voices don't tell them "just listen to the voices and do whatever they say", that's not problem solved.

If you swap someone's dick for a vagina, they won't suddenly say "oh actually now I understand that I'm a man and I'm ok with it" - usually the opposite occurs, they have a feeling as if this confirms their delusions - "ah I am a woman now!!1". This is the WRONG OUTCOME. Bodily mutilation is not a substitute for therapy.
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
Right. So, if a trans/homo behaves in a way that doesn't represent the stereotypes, the stereotypes might disappear altogether. (I know about the 'confirmqtion' psychological effect, just using this to say you don't have to go one way.

No. If trans/homo start behaving in ways that doesn't represent the stereotypes, we've gone a full circle - except we've now introduced chronic mental illness...

If people are becoming trans because they are feeling dysphoria because of gender stereotypes, then having someone become trans, and then act in a way that is 'un-trans-like' solves absolutely nothing, and is even more problematic. The solution is the dissolution of stereotypes, so they don't feel dysphoria, and don't become trans in the first place.

That said, such a solution would ONLY help with people who legitimately feel dysphoria. It won't help with all the trendy-trans or hipster-homos who pick their identity as if it were a scarf - and they wear it just as publicly too. People who 'identify' as a 'transdemigirl greysexual panethnic fictivekin' can't be 'cured' any more than a punk or an emo can be cured. As they grow up most will abort their deviant identities and become normal, though I'm sure there will still remain some 'agendered dolphinkin' floating around in their 40s, the same way that you occasionally see aged punks or hippies.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff